
Nuke Number Tags

Posted under Tags

Unbreakable said:

Agree, I can't see it be very useful.

Also agree. Where the number has a specific meaning or purpose (date, page number etc.) then that meaning gets its own tag. If there are other things that would be useful to search but don't have tags yet then it makes more sense to give tags to them than to lump them together under a useless number tag.

Talulah said:

We have some letter tags as well.

a - Originally mostly an Azumanga Daioh tag and somewhat useless, nowadays mostly used for Gawr Gura’s catchphrase. I’d prefer something like a_(phrase) and remove whatever doesn’t fit.
h - Useless, IMO.
v - Victory finger sign. I’d prefer a better tag name for that.
w - As above but with thumb.
x - X symbol. Could use a better tag.
z - Aliased to zzz. I could do without the alias.

nonamethanks said:

BUR #6892 has been approved by @evazion.

nuke number

I could see some use in that for officially numbered things like Pokémon that doesn’t have its own tag (pokedex_number exists).
