
Arknights skin implications?

Posted under General

BUR #6818 has been approved by @evazion.

create implication ash_(ranger)_(rainbow_six_siege) -> ash_(rainbow_six_siege)
create implication tachanka_(lord)_(rainbow_six_siege) -> tachanka_(rainbow_six_siege)

If we're doing this we should be thorough. These are Arknights skins from the Rainbow Six Siege collaboration event, they were missed in the original BUR because they don't end with *_(arknights). If people expect every Arknights skin to imply its base char tag, they will expect that from these as well.

Damian0358 said:

Ash's skin is called Ranger, not Rangers; while a minor difference, that should be corrected first.

I double-checked in game and that's correct. I've corrected the old tag and edited the BUR

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