I dunno, some of the fish_and_chips just look like a squarish piece of battered fried food, and only inferred to be fish_and_chips by the usual accompaniments, or are stated to be fish and chips by the author or character speech, or there's a British character eating or serving it. Can't really see the fish otherwise.
Thanks to Talulah, realized that there is no actual seafood tag, just the fish tag, so created a wiki for already existing seafood and updated the previous BUR to align with the change
Why do we need separate tags for potato chips and non-potato chips? Why do we need a <every seafood dish> -> seafood -> food hierarchy? This could include all kinds of things, from shrimp to crab to sushi.
Why do we need a <every seafood dish> -> seafood -> food hierarchy? This could include all kinds of things, from shrimp to crab to sushi.
To distinct every other possible fish (post #4651499) from fish as food (post #4704412), essentially a fish_(food) tag. Which the seafood tag is used for that distinction currently anyway.
I don't care who created the tags, I care about creating an overly complicated tag hierarchy for no other reason than "because we can".
The food tag is especially prone to this. I can already see someone saying chips should imply snack because the snack tag exists and chips are snacks, then arguing over which other types of food count as snacks. Or saying that seafood should imply meat because fish is a type of meat. Or alternately saying that nori should imply seafood because ~technically~ seaweed is a food that comes from the sea.
The point is that there are so many different food tags and ways of potentially classifying them that we really need to think these things through. The food hierarchy is a confusing mess if you go through the whole thing and try to make sense of it.
Fish tag encompasses alive fish, dead fish, decorative fish, cooked fish, etc. right now, so when I see the seafood tag it makes sense to tag it as a seafood, because just tagging it fish would mean just tagging it for the sake of tagging and letting it die in that tag. I don't really care about the people that may argue other stuff, since other people can downvote them and move on. Also you get alive animals and food somewhere in the picture when you search for "fish + food" post #4698963
But it's okay that we're doing it this way I guess, since as Veradux pointed out, Pringles is used the same way, it encompassed the Pringles text, logo, the can, the packaging, and the actual food in one tag.
I feel it would probably be better if seafood was used as an alternative for when there isnt an other name for the dish, rather than used as an additional umbrella tag. Fish_and_chips is a food so it doesnt need to be differentiated from living fish. Cooked_crab is not a tag (and please dont create it) so such a post needs a tag to say its ready to eat.
I feel it would probably be better if seafood was used as an alternative for when there isnt an other name for the dish, rather than used as an additional umbrella tag. Fish_and_chips is a food so it doesnt need to be differentiated from living fish. Cooked_crab is not a tag (and please dont create it) so such a post needs a tag to say its ready to eat.
I don't see why we can't have a crab (food) tag, like chicken (food). We have plenty of posts under crab food, and it doesn't feel right to lump it all into a single tag. We also have crab leg.
I don't see why we can't have a crab (food) tag, like chicken (food). We have plenty of posts under crab food, and it doesn't feel right to lump it all into a single tag. We also have crab leg.
Yeah, that's the better option if we can differentiate them all, I felt that even if I cover the fish with seafood, there are other animals that I wouldn't know how to have an umbrella tag for, so I was stumped there. And all I could understand from what evazion said was "let's live with the inconsistency until someone makes a large fix BUR" about the seafood part.
Given that most of the art on this site is japanese, I agree that trying to enstablish a seafood umbrella tag is asking for trouble, and is probably not a rabbit hole we want to delge into unless someone's ready to submit a comprehensive BUR to make sense of the myriad food tags we have around.
I wouldn't be opposed to a potato_chips -> chips alias, myself.