So I uploaded the higher resolution version of this. It was immediately hidden behind the "banned_artist" tag. Wouldn't that mean this post should be banned as well?
Posted under General
It was banned for being a paid reward, not because the artist is banned. The parent post is freely available on Pixiv, i.e. not a paid reward.
blindVigil said:
It was banned for being a paid reward, not because the artist is banned. The parent post is freely available on Pixiv, i.e. not a paid reward.
Ah. Sorry. I uploaded this one from my favorites on Sankaku Complex. Didn't know it was paid at all.
Veradux said:
First-party sources are always preferred. When uploading from another booru-type site like Sankaku or, always confirm the source. Those two mentioned sites are a minefield of patreon rewards and whatnot.
I know... I am a moderator for Sankaku. They don't always mark things right.