I'm partial towards changing Pyonta into a gentag and then to use a Sentient Pyonta pool for when Pyonta appears sentient or animated (including implied examples).
Though I'm also fine with nonamethanks's suggestion above.
Posted under Tags
Lobuttomize said:
Should it be gardened as-is then?
I dunno, do we have a semi-workable consensus on how the tag should be used?
(Though personally I'm in favor of using it only for when Pyonta acts like a character of some sort [i.e. animate] if we're retaining it as a chartag.)
Username_Hidden said:
The people who downvoted the second BUR have not expressed their reasons in doing so
I don't like the idea of making it into a gentag because you might as well mass update "moriya_suwako pyonta" to just hat. If it was unique to the series rather than the character, I'd support making it a gentag.
IMO, it's a gardening issue rather than a category issue. Garden out images where it's inanimate.
I disagree only having the tag for when it's animated. The posts I linked earlier, post #2959576, post #2913938, post #2960125, they all have pyonta as the focus even though it's not acting independently.
Someone searching for pyonta realistically would want to see posts where pyonta is the focus, not when it's just animated.
Also, a lot of other similar tags don't have this clause you're trying to push for, like don-chan (usada pekora) or senketsu, and the average tagger has been proven time and time again unable to read wikis, so I can't see this attempt at gardening working in any way whatsoever, short of just nuking the tag.
nonamethanks said:
I disagree only having the tag for when it's animated. The posts I linked earlier, post #2959576, post #2913938, post #2960125, they all have pyonta as the focus even though it's not acting independently.
Language barrier. When I say animate I should say expressive and/or significantly involved.
Frankly, I do dislike that senketsu and alastor are tagged the way they are. If it's truly an insurmountable task to keep gardened, then I say we treat it like we do effort to fix Fate costume tags: Throwing hands up and walking away.
Veradux said:
I don't like the idea of making it into a gentag because you might as well mass update "moriya_suwako pyonta" to just hat. If it was unique to the series rather than the character, I'd support making it a gentag.
I'm fairly sure there are many posts where pyonta appears without suwako.
pyonta -moriya_suwako brings more than 450 results for instance.
Username_Hidden said:
I'm fairly sure there are many posts where pyonta appears without suwako.
pyonta -moriya_suwako brings more than 450 results for instance.
Yeah, that's another issue. There's posts like post #2882528 or post #1704569 or post #2119242 where pyonta is not being an unique or independent character by any mean, but is still separated from suwako. Also in shirt designs and other various clothing prints.
nonamethanks said:
I disagree only having the tag for when it's animated. The posts I linked earlier, post #2959576, post #2913938, post #2960125, they all have pyonta as the focus even though it's not acting independently.
Veradux said:
Language barrier. When I say animate I should say expressive and/or significantly involved.
Yeah, that's what I meant too. Bad choice of words on my part, sorry.
Is there some way we can poll what exactly people want the pyonta tag to cover? Whether it's the hat alone in any capacity (like on a shirt), pyonta as a separately-acting person of its own, pyonta having some focus in the image, pyonta changing expressions to match Suwako's, just any image the hat exists in, or a mix of the above
Lobuttomize said:
Is there some way we can poll what exactly people want the pyonta tag to cover? Whether it's the hat alone in any capacity (like on a shirt), pyonta as a separately-acting person of its own, pyonta having some focus in the image, pyonta changing expressions to match Suwako's, just any image the hat exists in, or a mix of the above
Well you can vote on BURs, but that's about it.
This thread has acted as an informal poll. The forum has, for once, done its job in providing a place for discourse on the subject.
We were not able to reach a consensus or even a good compromise. Thus, the written-in "vote" was "kick the can down the road, and hopefully off a cliff, until someone else brings it up".
Veradux said:
I don't like the idea of making it into a gentag because you might as well mass update "moriya_suwako pyonta" to just hat.
There still hasn't been any argument against turning the tag into a gentag beyond this one, which i believe has been discussed, and the resolution was "we can't do that because pyonta has appeared many times without suwako".
Rejecting the BURs due to pretty overwhelming negative vote. I think both nuking the tag and turning it to general are non-starters when we have things like don-chan (usada pekora) that are tagged in almost every single picture.
The bulk update request #6269 (forum #191413) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.
The bulk update request #6270 (forum #191431) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.