post #9000000 GET!

When Translating, Should We Use Localized Names or Not?

Posted under General

I think for pokemon specifically the names should be translated to the English name unless it's part of a pun, and even then it should be a translation note. We always used English names even when danbooru callously used Japanese names for the human characters, simply because nobody knows the original Japanese names. Using them in notes means anyone reading them must then search on Google who the hell "Sirnight" is. It makes the note itself pointless.

I support localization where it's necessary since I want the users to understand what I am translating instead of not understanding and moving on from the post. It'd be fancier if we did literal translations, but the point of translation for me is to convey the text to readers and to I don't want to confuse them instead.


I think we should aim to translate commentary/text as accurately as possible, which means using the name that is written rather than a different, localized name that isn't present anywhere in the text being translated. It makes sense to use localized names for tags since they are how users search for posts, but unlike tags, translation notes and commentary aren't a vital component of key site functions - not recognizing a name in a note/commentary is at worst a minor inconvenience.

AngryZapdos said:

not recognizing a name in a note/commentary is at worst a minor inconvenience.

In a commentary maybe (and even then, sometimes there are commentaries that are somewhat "necessary context" for the art), but in notes I'd say it's not just a "minor" inconvenience if you don't actually recognise who's being talked about.

Unbreakable said:

This came about after a discussion on Discord where @AngryZapdos was translating サーナイト as Sirknight instead of Gardevoir which feels wrong given how the tags uses the localized names instead. I am in support of using localized names when they fit the tags to make it easier for casual users.

Pinging @nonamethanks @Zupi @pronebone and @Obstetrics as they were also part of the conversation.

I'd say it varies case by case. But for Pokemon in particular I'd go with their localized English names because their original Japanese ones are highly obscure for the average English user (even for those fluent in Japanese and regularly visit Japanese sites). Same goes for most other Nintendo copyrights too like Fire Emblem, probably. But to a lesser extent.

Though personally I would generally avoid changing styling/naming conventions for TL notes in a pool series if it's consistently translated one way by a single translator. Unless the translator accedes to the change. That's just my personal preference though since I'd like to avoid potential edit warring (and accidentally mangling of puns and wordplay in some rare cases).

AngryZapdos said:

I think we should aim to translate commentary/text as accurately as possible, which means using the name that is written rather than a different, localized name that isn't present anywhere in the text being translated. It makes sense to use localized names for tags since they are how users search for posts, but unlike tags, translation notes and commentary aren't a vital component of key site functions - not recognizing a name in a note/commentary is at worst a minor inconvenience.

It can be jarring though when a character refers to a Pokemon by their Japanese name, in a scene with multiple Pokemon depicted, causing the reader serious problems in figuring out which Pokemon is being referred to (unless they Google the name).

AngryZapdos said:

I think we should aim to translate commentary/text as accurately as possible, which means using the name that is written rather than a different, localized name that isn't present anywhere in the text being translated. It makes sense to use localized names for tags since they are how users search for posts, but unlike tags, translation notes and commentary aren't a vital component of key site functions - not recognizing a name in a note/commentary is at worst a minor inconvenience.

Imagine you're reading the notes on a pokemon post and you see the characters are talking about someone off-screen called "Kabigon" (Snorlax) or "Showers" (Vaporeon). That's absurd. You either have to google it or you won't understand the post. That's not a translation, it doesn't translate.

I've always translated names to the English localization, when available, assuming that's the tag we use on Danbooru. For example, Kal'tsit is named "Kelsey" in the Chinese and Japanese versions, but if you don't already know that you would likely not understand the reference. Same with Dusk being called "Shii", and so on.