
Change pyonta to sentient pyonta?

Posted under Tags

Username_Hidden said:

The problem i see is that most posts tagged as Suwako would end up in the pool.

IMO, if the concept is clear but there's going to be issues with making it a tag, as we've hashed out, it's not really a problem if due to its nature it has a lot of overlap with another tag or tag combo. We already have many pools that apply only to one character and can be largely replicated with simple searches. Like the venerable pool #3171, which I've argued in the past should be deleted. But it hasn't been, and if akemi_homura female_pervert can have a pool, sentient Pyonta sure as hell can.

In the end, the goal here is a mindhack targeting casual danbooru users. The easiest way to browse pools (from the pool view, or by clicking into that view from a post in the pool) shows you their description at the top, which will explain the proper usage of the pool, and gently pushes you to read it. This is in contrast to how easy it is to slap on a tag to a post without reading its wiki and learning how to use it properly.

In addition, "adding as many pools as possible to a post" is a less common hobby of users than "adding as many tags as possible to a post." Though not a nonexistent one.

BrokenEagle98 said:

Pyonta by itself still sounds like and is a character name. Perhaps naming it pyonta_hat, suwako_hat, or something similar would be better? Otherwise, we should keep it as a character tag.

That doesn't make sense, we got some weapon tags with fantasy names which sound like characters, and characters with weapon names.

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