BUR #6218 has been approved by @evazion.
create implication cartoonized -> toon_(style)
Kinda self-explanatory, a post can't be cartoonized without being toon styled.
Posted under Tags
BUR #6218 has been approved by @evazion.
create implication cartoonized -> toon_(style)
Kinda self-explanatory, a post can't be cartoonized without being toon styled.
Lobuttomize said:
This might be nit-picking, but wouldn't needing to know that the character looked different and was cartoonized go against tag what you see?
This is already done with tags like *_(cosplay) tags, younger/older, adapted costume, *_(style), etc.
Some tags have a bit of meta knowledge behind, that's fine because, in your particular example, the style change is visible in the artwork. The policy is applied for things like tagging tail on a dog girl character, but the tail doesn't actually appear in the artwork.
As long as it is made clear that it is for american or western animation and not for original caricaturesWhat does this tag mean anyway like post #2610844.
ljhkhjkghjybtvhyt said:
As long as it is made clear that it is for american or western animation and not for original caricaturesWhat does this tag mean anyway like post #2610844.
I think the dictionary definition of caricature is a fine definition for the tag "a picture[, description, or imitation] of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect."
The bulk update request #6218 (forum #191070) has been approved by @evazion.