post #9000000 GET!

Dealiases for Better Autocomplete

Posted under Tags

BUR #6114 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias yellow_earrings -> earrings
remove alias green_earrings -> earrings
remove alias purple_earrings -> earrings
remove alias brown_earrings -> earrings
remove alias red_earrings -> earrings
remove alias blue_earrings -> earrings

1. I have never heard of the term "armsleeves" before, it gets in the way of artist_name, armpits, and arms_up
2. Gets in the way of panty_flash (which is somewhat useful as a utility alias, but maybe could be removed as well) and panty_pull
3. Gets in the way of pantyhose
4. Gets in the way of thigh_boots, thigh_strap
5. Gets in the way of knee_hug, but also just consistency with the above two
6. Gets in the way of buttons
7-12. Finishing up the work of topic #18776, where we removed the colour_earring tags which made problems for autocomplete, but didn't remove the others. For consistency's sake they should all be gone.


Per evazion's suggestion, the more controversial deliases have been moved to separate BURs below. The buttocks dealias has been dropped entirely, cause I agree it's worth it for searchability. Also dropping armsleeves because it is actually another name for detached_sleeves, so it's potentially useful for those who know it by that name.


BUR #6115 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias very_high_resolution -> absurdres
remove alias solo_female -> solo

Separate BUR so it can be approvedrejected separately

1. I know this is an intentional (forum #184730) alias for cross-booru compatibility, but it gets in the way of very_long_hair which otherwise would immediately autocomplete from "v". Personally, this annoys me immensely. I don't use any other boorus so maybe I just don't understand the usefulness of this, but I think the vast majority of our taggers would prefer a cleaner autocomplete.
2. Again, I know it's intentional, but it gets in the way of solo_focus and I don't think it's worth it.

Buttocks might be what some ESL learners come across the word, but ass should be commonly known enough via cultural osmosis anyway (via consumption of American media). And I have a feeling it doesn't get tagged/search often regardless.

So, +1 +1 +1 etc for the the whole list.


nonamethanks said:

-1 on the the legwear part because "thigh highs" is actually what they're called, we just have to be the special children about it (and given the size it's too late to reverse it)

Hmm, right, after checking around, "thighhighs" is proscribed against, unlike "knee-highs"/"kneehighs" that are also considered acceptable spellings.

nonamethanks said:

-1 on the the legwear part because "thigh highs" is actually what they're called, we just have to be the special children about it (and given the size it's too late to reverse it)

Typing "th" immediately autocompletes to thighhighs. No one is going to miss the tag trying to use the technically correct name, and I don't see why we need to have the technically correct name aliased if removing it would be an increase to tagging QOL.

It's better if requests like this are split up so things like earring colors don't get blocked by debates over other tags.

Autocomplete is used by both taggers and searchers. An alias like "butt -> ass" may make things slightly harder for taggers who use the buttons tag frequently, but that's not every user. There's a balance in making autocomplete easy to use for searchers and easy for taggers, but there are more searchers than taggers, so I place more value in making autocomplete easy for searchers. There's also a balance in making autocomplete easy to use for experienced users, who know all our tags, and new users who don't know all our tags yet, or who are coming from other sites.

I would really only ever use these dealiases on color aliases.
Because we would be better off just nuking stuff like green_pillow right away.
No one that types "green_whatever" looks for earrings or pillows.

Those aliases just aren't useful, but buttocks is just another word for ass.

BUR #6125 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias panty -> panties

Typing "pa" already autocompletes to panties, there's no need to have "panty" autocomplete to panties instead of pantyhose.

The only time someone could miss this is if they're just not using autocomplete at all, and "panties" would naturally be the second thing any speaker of the English language would try if "panty" returns nothing (we could even write a wiki for panty directing users to the correct search. That way even the people not using autocomplete will get to panties).

CormacM said:

BUR #6125 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias panty -> panties

Typing "pa" already autocompletes to panties, there's no need to have "panty" autocomplete to panties instead of pantyhose.

The only time someone could miss this is if they're just not using autocomplete at all, and "panties" would naturally be the second thing any speaker of the English language would try if "panty" returns nothing (we could even write a wiki for panty directing users to the correct search. That way even the people not using autocomplete will get to panties).

I think this is supposed to help ESL users, since many other languages tend to have "panty" in the 'singular' when borrowing it as a loanword. Japanese has パンティ, for example.

But I personally don't think it's necessary, for the reasons you mention. So +1.

BUR #6126 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias panty_hose -> pantyhose

If the above panty alias goes through, then "panty" will autocomplete to pantyhose, but "panty_" will still autocomplete to pantyhose instead of some of the useful panty_* tags.

Honestly, I'm not sure I even want this one anymore, because you still can't get to pantyhose quickly from just "pa" like you can with thighhighs and kneehighs, and pantyhose is so much more common than panty_pull and pantyshot that it's okay if it dominates them in the search. But I'll leave it here for people to vote anyway.


BUR #6127 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias thigh_highs -> thighhighs
remove alias knee_highs -> kneehighs

I think these two should live or die together. In both cases, there's useful knee_*, thigh_* tags that they're blocking

"thigh highs" and "knee highs" are both more common and correct than "thighhighs" and "kneehighs", "thigh highs" much more drastically so.. However, both autocomplete to the correct tag after typing only the first two characters, so no one using autocomplete at all will ever miss them. As I pointed out in above, if they're somehow just ignoring autocomplete and actually typing the full correct name, then we can write wikis directing them to the correct tags.

-1 to the above, I think you have to take new users and especially new taggers into account.

NNescio said:

I'm 100% for this if it's feasible to implement.

I think it can be done client-side, just hiding the blacklisted results.

nonamethanks said:

If you want that feature make an userscript. We're not doubling the site's javascript just prevent the anal prolapse of a handful of old users.

Yeah, that's what i was getting at, it can probably be an userscript.

Username_Hidden said:

This sounds like hell to maintain, but maybe a feature to blacklist certain tags/aliases from autocomplete?

I don't want to argue about, for every alias ever, whether it deserves to show up in autocomplete or not. There's already too much confusion over simple things like when to use a rename versus when to use an alias.

If an alias should never show up in autocomplete, it probably shouldn't exist at all.

BUR #6141 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias violet_hair -> purple_hair
remove alias magenta_hair -> pink_hair
remove alias cyan_hair -> aqua_hair
remove alias teal_hair -> aqua_hair
remove alias turquoise_hair -> aqua_hair
remove alias violet_eyes -> purple_eyes
remove alias amber_eyes -> yellow_eyes
remove alias golden_eyes -> yellow_eyes
remove alias gold_eyes -> yellow_eyes
remove alias hazel_eyes -> yellow_eyes
remove alias cyan_eyes -> aqua_eyes
remove alias teal_eyes -> aqua_eyes
remove alias turquoise_eyes -> aqua_eyes

These are hair and eye colors that are infrequently used yet show up in autocomplete for some common searches.

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