post #9000000 GET!

Alias gensoukyou -> gensokyo

Posted under Tags

nonamethanks said:

The community sites are split on this, that's a fact. There's no consistent romanization that "all respectable sites use" like you're trying to claim. Claiming the ones you don't like are wrong is moving the goalposts.

I'm not talking about all community sites, never tried to say that. Only databases. I didn't even want to start this argument because I consider it silly, as I have said before. To begin with, my point was that we should not blindly copy other websites. Then you have said that everyone but us are using Gensokyo:

nonamethanks said:
If we're the only website using a spelling while everyone else uses another, that means we are in the wrong.

This was factually wrong, so I've countered it and provided examples. And then you are the one who decided to switch the topic and started to argue about numbers.


nonamethanks said:

Mangaupdates has an associated titles field (kinda like our aliases) and it will display those associated titles in search results if they include the word you are searching for. It will even display several different titles for the same manga, if more than one included the search term. For example - Touhou Project - Ningen-tachi no Gensoukyou
It has several associated titles with Gensokyo in them, so you will get several different search results from this one manga alone.

nonamethanks said:

  • MAL translates the title of the official manga written by ZUN as "gensokyo" instead of "gensoukyou"

I have already explained why this example is wrong. But I guess I'll have to elaborate. MAL has pretty clear policies for their titles and character names. They use romanization of the original title/name and the romanization is done according to the guidelines. This particular entry goes against their policies and guidelines.
Original title here is 東方求聞史紀 「記憶する幻想郷」, romanization would be Touhou Gumonshiki Kioku-suru Gensoukyou. Their current title is half romanization (Touhou Gumonshiki) and half English title (Memorizable Gensokyo), which is not something they do. So this particular case must be a mistake that hasn't been noticed and fixed yet.


NNescio said:

It's mostly because it helps keep things consistent. Danbooru also used to do it; but this resulted in several tags using spellings most other users wouldn't use, resulting in counterintuitive searches.


Yeah, I get what you're saying. I just think that aliases did a fine job of covering alternate spellings, so the change in policy was misguided and brought more trouble than benefits.
Also, I'm against discarding long vowels in particular. Because this results in romanization that is much worse at conveying how the word should be read, i.e. it makes the romanization inferior.

Damian0358 said:

And I suspect that the official English translations for Forbidden Scrollery also use Gensokyo.

To break a lance in his favour, i wouldn't use the official translations as argument, since they messed up character names, like Hieda no Akyuu's. In general ZUN doesn't particularly care about translations or romanizations, so it may have already happened that official content has used Gensoukyou.

That said, this discussion doesn't really make sense. Most people use Gensokyo throughout all languages. The only ones who use Gensoukyou are, as far as i know, people who force it.


Username_Hidden said:

To break a lance in his favour, i wouldn't use the official translations as argument, since they messed up character names, like Hieda no Akyuu's. In general ZUN doesn't particularly care about translations or romanizations, so it may have already happened that official content has used Gensoukyou.

Fair point, and it isn't like we haven't stuck to our guns before when it comes to romanizations either (as in the case of Altria or Vegito), though given the recentness of both Garakuta EN and LostWord EN (and what that suggests in terms of interest to engage with international audiences), it was still worth mentioning (especially as instances of "no" in names have been retained as one would hope on both).

Damian0358 said:

(especially as instances of "no" in names have been retained as one would hope on both).

Consider also that LW has localized su-san as "Miss Lily", and that both Garakuta and LW should be considered as doujin projects with ZUN's blessing like the doujin stories appearing in official books such as BAiJR, but anyways

MyrMindservant said:

Or are you going to advocate that we now should change "Touhou" to "Toho"?

No, because that's equally as "stubborn for the sake of technical correctness" as sticking with Gensoukyou is.

Gensokyo is what the Touhou wiki uses, and what the majority of our own translators use (see here versus here). If they're not going to be sticklers over it, I'm not either. If you don't like it, feel free to tell our own translators they're doing it wrong.

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