
Typo'd Ragnarok Online qualifier

Posted under Tags

Separated from OP to avoid clogging it up

For future reference, how does renaming work for cosplay tags? Do we have to rename the cosplay tag first, then the chartag (in that order, to avoid the old chartag persisting through implications), or is renaming the chartag enough and the system will automatically take care of cosplay tags?

NNescio said:

Separated from OP to avoid clogging it up

For future reference, how does renaming work for cosplay tags? Do we have to rename the cosplay tag first, then the chartag (in that order, to avoid the old chartag persisting through implications), or is renaming the chartag enough and the system will automatically take care of cosplay tags?

Renaming the chartag is enough. Renaming or aliasing the character tag will automatically rename the cosplay tag.

Talulah said:

If tag scripts are anything to go by it's probably fine.

Not everything has to be a BUR. This tag has 13 posts and no wiki, is it too hard to migrate it manually?

Mostly because of the cosplay tag, plus the Moonlight Flower wiki linking to it. So, slightly more complicated (and error-prone) then just updating a single tag, so I thought the BURs would be less effort for everyone involved (me submitting and whoever's accepting).

But thanks for manually migrating them anyway. And updating the Moonlight Flower wiki.

evazion said:

Renaming the chartag is enough. Renaming or aliasing the character tag will automatically rename the cosplay tag.

Got it, thanks.


Talulah said:

If tag scripts are anything to go by it's probably fine.

Not everything has to be a BUR. This tag has 13 posts and no wiki, is it too hard to migrate it manually?

I'm fine with BURs for small artist/character/copyright tags, if they're old or they have a long history. People often forget all the steps involved in moving a tag, including moving cosplay tags and wikis, as mentioned. Not to mention things like saved searches and blacklists, which as a user you can never know how many people have a tag saved or blacklisted. It's not an issue here, but it can be in general. People can have surprisingly niche tags saved or blacklisted.

If it's just "I made this tag yesterday and I made a typo", then yes, move it manually.