BUR #5912 has been approved by @evazion.
create alias annie_hastur -> annie_(league_of_legends)
create alias cassiopeia_du_couteau -> cassiopeia_(league_of_legends)
create alias fiora_laurent -> fiora_(league_of_legends)
create alias garen_crownguard -> garen_(league_of_legends)
create alias malcolm_graves -> graves_(league_of_legends)
create alias janna_windforce -> janna_(league_of_legends)
create alias jarvan_lightshield_iv -> jarvan_iv_(league_of_legends)
create alias katarina_du_couteau -> katarina_(league_of_legends)
create alias emilia_leblanc -> leblanc_(league_of_legends)
create alias luxanna_crownguard -> lux_(league_of_legends)
create alias sarah_fortune -> miss_fortune_(league_of_legends)
create alias orianna_reveck -> orianna_(league_of_legends)
create alias sona_buvelle -> sona_(league_of_legends)
create alias jericho_swain -> swain_(league_of_legends)
create alias shauna_vayne -> vayne_(league_of_legends)
create alias yorick_mori -> yorick_(league_of_legends)
Seeing how the Genshin Impact renaming effort ended up I think it's only fair we did the same about League of Legends, a similarly game-based franchise that suffers from the same problem.
To get you up to speed, some LoL character tags use their full names, some of which start with a completely different name from their unique in-game name. This makes these champions (characters) borderline impossible to search. I can assure you that you could set up a contest with Faker, some other top five pro players worldwide and a couple Riot employees to give away a million dollars to whoever guessed the names of either LeBlanc or Miss Fortune and nobody would win. I cannot stress just how obscure they are.
First I want to address champions whose names are canonically correct but different from what everyone knows them by. Out of 155 champions (counting multiple-entity champions as one), 94 champions don't have qualifiers. Of the 155 champions, 16 don't use their in-game name, 5 of which have names that are impossible to find with autocomplete. The old autocomplete behavior made some characters searchable, but as it behaves differently now, this is no longer the case.
Full List of Champions (In-game Name vs Character Tag)
Aatrox aatrox Ahri ahri Akali akali, akali_(legacy) Alistar alistar_(league_of_legends) Amumu amumu Anivia anivia Annie annie_hastur Aphelios aphelios, alune_(league_of_legends) Ashe ashe_(league_of_legends) Aurelion Sol aurelion_sol_(league_of_legends) Azir azir Bard bard_(league_of_legends) Blitzcrank blitzcrank Brand brand_(league_of_legends) Braum braum_(league_of_legends) Caitlyn caitlyn_(league_of_legends) Camille camille_(league_of_legends) Cassiopeia cassiopeia_du_couteau Cho'Gath cho'gath Corki corki Darius darius_(league_of_legends) Diana diana_(league_of_legends) Dr. Mundo dr._mundo Draven draven Ekko ekko_(league_of_legends) Elise elise_(league_of_legends) Evelynn evelynn_(league_of_legends) Ezreal ezreal Fiddlesticks fiddlesticks Fiora fiora_laurent Fizz fizz_(league_of_legends) Galio galio Gangplank gangplank_(league_of_legends) Garen garen_crownguard Gnar gnar_(league_of_legends) Gragas gragas Graves malcolm_graves Gwen gwen_(league_of_legends) Hecarim hecarim Heimerdinger heimerdinger Illaoi illaoi Irelia irelia Ivern ivern Janna janna_windforce Jarvan IV jarvan_lightshield_iv Jax jax_(league_of_legends) Jayce jayce_(league_of_legends) Jhin jhin Jinx jinx_(league_of_legends) Kai'Sa kai'sa Kalista kalista Karma karma_(league_of_legends) Karthus karthus Kassadin kassadin Katarina katarina_du_couteau Kayle kayle_(league_of_legends) Kayn kayn_(league_of_legends) Kennen kennen Kha'Zix kha'zix Kindred kindred_(league_of_legends), lamb_(league_of_legends), wolf_(league_of_legends) Kled kled Kog'Maw kog'maw LeBlanc emilia_leblanc Lee Sin lee_sin Leona leona_(league_of_legends) Lillia lillia_(league_of_legends) Lissandra lissandra_(league_of_legends) Lucian lucian_(league_of_legends) Lulu lulu_(league_of_legends) Lux luxanna_crownguard Malphite malphite Malzahar malzahar Maokai maokai Master Yi master_yi Miss Fortune sarah_fortune Mordekaiser mordekaiser Morgana morgana_(league_of_legends) Nami nami_(league_of_legends) Nasus nasus Nautilus nautilus_(league_of_legends) Neeko neeko_(league_of_legends) Nidalee nidalee Nocturne nocturne_(league_of_legends) Nunu & Willump nunu, willump Olaf olaf_(league_of_legends) Orianna orianna_reveck Ornn ornn Pantheon pantheon_(league_of_legends) Poppy poppy Pyke pyke_(league_of_legends) Qiyana qiyana_(league_of_legends) Quinn quinn_(league_of_legends) Rakan rakan_(league_of_legends) Rammus rammus Rek'Sai rek'sai Rell rell_(league_of_legends) Renekton renekton Rengar rengar Riven riven_(league_of_legends) Rumble rumble_(league_of_legends) Ryze ryze Samira samira Sejuani sejuani Senna senna_(league_of_legends) Seraphine seraphine_(league_of_legends) Sett sett_(league_of_legends) Shaco shaco Shen shen Shyvana shyvana Singed singed Sion sion Sivir sivir Skarner skarner Sona sona_buvelle Soraka soraka Swain jericho_swain Sylas sylas Syndra syndra Tahm Kench tahm_kench Taliyah taliyah Talon talon_(league_of_legends) Taric taric Teemo teemo Thresh thresh_(league_of_legends) Tristana tristana Trundle trundle Tryndamere tryndamere Twisted Fate twisted_fate Twitch twitch_(league_of_legends) Udyr udyr Urgot urgot Varus varus Vayne shauna_vayne Veigar veigar Vel'Koz vel'koz Vi vi_(league_of_legends) Viego viego_(league_of_legends) Viktor viktor_(league_of_legends) Vladimir vladimir_(league_of_legends) Volibear volibear Warwick warwick Wukong wukong_(league_of_legends) Xayah xayah Xerath xerath Xin Zhao xin_zhao Yasuo yasuo_(league_of_legends) Yone yone_(league_of_legends) Yorick yorick_mori Yuumi yuumi_(league_of_legends) Zac zac_(league_of_legends) Zed zed_(league_of_legends) Ziggs ziggs Zilean zilean Zoe zoe_(league_of_legends) Zyra zyra
List of Champions with Different Names from In-Game
Annie annie_hastur Cassiopeia cassiopeia_du_couteau Fiora fiora_laurent Garen garen_crownguard Graves malcolm_graves Janna janna_windforce Jarvan IV jarvan_lightshield_iv Katarina katarina_du_couteau LeBlanc emilia_leblanc Lux luxanna_crownguard Miss Fortune sarah_fortune Orianna orianna_reveck Sona sona_buvelle Swain jericho_swain Vayne shauna_vayne Yorick yorick_mori
List of Champions with Different First Names
Graves malcolm_graves LeBlanc emilia_leblanc Lux luxanna_crownguard Miss Fortune sarah_fortune Swain jericho_swain Vayne shauna_vayne
The names were sourced from the official wikia page, which were sourced from the in-game store, but are otherwise 100% identical to the names that show up while playing, the only names the players know the characters by.
The following parts will address the qualifier (which could be different) and the inconsistencies, but for now this should do.