
Question. Ask for add a new tag. And I lost all of my edit.

Posted under General

So, I'm new here. I really like danbooru web UI and design.
Then, I got a message.

nonamethanks said:

You're using full body extremely wrong.
Also left-side and right-side would potentially have hundreds of thousands of posts.
If you want to create a tag like that you should ask in the forums first.

really? what happened, I lost all my edit? that's sad. I don't know I need to ask first ...
In some topic, it will have no 100% full body.
I know I can be so wrong. but it need a tag like that to use. ah... It hurts.
I lost 3 hour on this. so sad.

I had to mass-revert your edits because they were all wrong.

The full body tag is for full bodies, not for things like post #3023356 or post #3289012. Those are cowboy shots.
You also added upper body to post #3087053 which is just portrait.

You also created half-length which is actually just upper body, and front-side, right-side and left-side which could be applied to nearly all posts on site. Something like this should always be discussed on the forum first.

1455097298 said:

Can we have a tag like front-side, right-side, left-side. Something like “full body”?

To make things in order I need it. Can we have self use only tag? I'm confused.

Tags are for common use. So generally they need to have more intuitive names and consistent definitions so everybody can use them.

So full body is for shots that actually contain the "full body" while cowboy shots are for shots that contain the head to the mid-thighs. You need to see the feet (or shoes) to use full body.

And something like left-side or right-side are problematic because it might be something that technically applies to nearly all the images of the website, for images that have the left or right side of a body being shown (in any capacity). The mere existence of the tags left-side and right-side places an obligation on others to tag, well, left and right sides of a body. This might be something that most of the community doesn't care for, in which case it ends up being a superfluous tag that just requires more work to be done (in tagging and maintaining tags) for not much benefit for most people.

That's why nonamethanks mentioned that something like "this should always be discussed on the forum first", because those two tags will have a significant impact on members' tagging practices. So we need to sound out opinions on whether those tags would be necessary in the first place.

(Of course, the community might actually want such tags. But again, this [potentially highly-impacting tag] should be discussed on the forum first.)


still confuse. so I can't tag even for arrange them? In art and more profession way.

Accuracy, expressiveness,maybe is more complex. Is that I looking for wrong thing here?
using it for learning, and Art appreciation. maybe I'm misunderstanding this.

Oh. I used to think this is the only place where you can label and organize ACG,R18 pics.
Now I lost again. Is there no one asking for help. like Sorting function? not only just VIP?
I really think searching is a Fundamental rights, Basic operation. Limit on this is not good.

1455097298 said:

still confuse. so I can't tag even for arrange them? In art and more profession way.

Accuracy, expressiveness,maybe is more complex. Is that I looking for wrong thing here?
using it for learning, and Art appreciation. maybe I'm misunderstanding this.

Oh. I used to think this is the only place where you can label and organize ACG,R18 pics.
Now I lost again. Is there no one asking for help. like Sorting function? not only just VIP?
I really think searching is a Fundamental rights, Basic operation. Limit on this is not good.

You can use use favgroups for your own personal organization purposes. Quoting myself from topic #18764:

NNescio said in topic #18764.:

There's also Favorite Groups, which is basically your own personal collection of posts that you can freely order within. You can also name such favorite groups for easier organization. Be aware that basic members can only create up to three favorite groups. Also, favgroups are public by default, so anyone can see them (they can be made private by editing the relevant option).

You can share favgroups with other people. They are publically viewable by default.

You only get three of them (favgroups) though, so you need to make them count. You can sort of split a single favgroup into multiple sections (first half for A, second half for B, for example), but that would require organizing them from time to time.


The takeaway from this is that tags are for general-purpose use by all users of the website. So tags by nature have a common definition that most people agree on (and if they don't, we will try to rename the tag, or split it off into different tags). Full body in particular applies to images that have the entire body of a character (the "full body") being prominently displayed.

'Mistagging' images that don't have an actual "full body" shot with full body annoy the other users of this website, because those "mistagged images" are not what people want to see showing up when they search full body.

Edit: Another thing is that redundant tags are discouraged here. If two tags describe the same thing, then all it does is to create additional work for people as they have to tag both tags. In most such cases, the newer tag will be removed (favoring the older one which is assumed to be used more often by users), though in some cases we will "alias" one of the tags to the other one if we find both names to be useful (i.e. one is more technically correct, while the other is better known).


Thank you for reply, answer me. I see. I'm misunderstanding this.

Can I still do it my way? I need to tag like this. I don't mind if I lost them all again.

Is there a way I can ask for a learning purpose, some tag like that to use?
I'm afraid of getting ban.
So maybe tell me, how can I ask for it, where to say this? Thank you.

Is there any good case, of someone tag and arrange their favorite in order.

And do it really good? I'm looking for someone, somehow, to learn and talk with.

Pls let me know. if there is a good example. Thank you very much.

1455097298 said:

Is there a way I can ask for a learning purpose, some tag like that to use?
I'm afraid of getting ban.
So maybe tell me, how can I ask for it, where to say this? Thank you.

There are the tags from_behind, from_above, from_below and from_side, which may fit what you want. These tags are used to indicate "viewer perspective shots", i.e. viewing a character from behind, above, below, and the sides. Using these tags for their intended purposes (check their wikis) should be okay. Generally these tags should only be used when the "perspective shot" is prominent in some capacity, and not when, say, a background character in the distance that most people wouldn't notice. Also, try not to create another from_*DIRECTION* tag without consulting the community (on the forums or on Discord) first.

There's no equivalent from_front tag because that's assumed to be the default. There are similar looking_at_viewer and facing viewer tags, but those tags should be used carefully as their names can be somewhat deceptive (especially for someone with English as a second language).

  • Looking at viewer is for when a character is (prominently) looking towards the viewer, i.e. as though they're looking at you through your screen.
    • Looking at viewer should not be used when the character isn't 'looking' at the viewer.
  • facing viewer is for when the character is facing the viewer, i.e. face pointed towards your 'screen', but they are not actually looking at you. Usually this is because they're blind or have their eyes covered, or their eyes are glancing towards the side.
  • In some cases both looking at viewer and facing viewer can be tagged, but this for cases when one character is "looking at viewer" while the other is "facing the viewer" "without looking". For a single character, Looking at viewer and facing viewer are generally exclusive.