
Ask a question. I'm tired for searching and add tags.

Posted under General

Hello. I really like art style, art feeling R18 things.

But I think there is no place to post and communication.

I watch a lot Hentai manga. Other place is just not work.
I want to have some nice NSFW nudes or sth. else. nope.
I have a good taste of art work. Sense that what is good.

oh, man. What can I say.

My country block everything. And people always Report.
I know china is a bad place as well. For safety, and control.

Can we have a way, that can share what is good?
You need to do a lot of search, to know what is good.
And that, I think is not a easy way.

Can we have a new function, tag that show number of users likes, favorites?
It's not a easy thing that, to find good stuff. good artist.

I really want to make a web site, that can post, arrange the picture.
It will just do the job. Pixiv account can work, but It need more effect.
Pixiv tag is limited, 10 tags is not enough. Post on pixiv is not the way.

For example. This web site is good to use. It pick up the good stuff.

Just imagine, at future, we will have a more powerful, more open website.
Every one can share easily, AI can tag everything.
search engine, algorithm will become more helpful.

Sigh... that's what the "Score" and "Favorite" entries are for on the Information sidebar on the left side of a post. 'Searchable' by using order:score or order:favcount too, which order posts by score or number of favorites, respectively.

There is also the recommended posts tab at the top, which will automatically recommend 'new' posts to you based on your current favorites. It can be somewhat wonky though; having a tendency to get stuck on the same top 100 list that requires further searching to filter.


1455097298 said:

ah. I see. I need to say it more clearly. I mean.
Maybe we need more information.

Once I did a R18 collection thing on Pixiv.
Best 600 R18 art work on Pixiv.

I don't know that. Sorry, I was rush in a hurry.
I just feel so lost.

And this is what the -rating:s order:score search is supposed to accomplish. Take all the 'R-15' and 'R-18' posts, order them in descending order by how they are scored by users.

Because of timeout problems (especially for basic users), one can instead search
To avoid timeouts on base user account, try:
-rating:s order:score limit:20 age:..6months
-rating:s order:score limit:20 age:6months..12months
-rating:s order:score limit:20 age:12months..18months I mentioned earlier, which basically takes the posts uploaded up to 6 months ago (then between 6 months and a year, then a year and and a year and a half, and so on), then order them by score.

Alternatively, as ehh suggested, one can instead use favcount:>30 and score:>30 to fine tune the search. Instead of ordering by score, this orders by date (the default), but excludes all posts that don't have more than 30 favorites or more than 30 score, respectively. You can change the number for whatever threshold you find to more appropriate.

In any case, searching rating:s (short for rating:s) gives you 'worksafe' "all-ages" posts (Danbooru tends to have a more lax definition of this, so some lewds will still be included), searching rating:q (short for rating:questionable) gives you 'R-15' posts (to use the Pixiv equivalent), while rating:e (short for rating:explicit) gives you 'R-18' stuff. -rating:s, as mentioned earlier, gives you both rating:q and rating:e stuff, since it excludes rating:s.

1455097298 said:

So, there is a thing like, Playlist on Pornhub.
I don't know how to make sth like that about R18 art work.

And this is my ph playlist. I lost a lots of it. after remove event.

Any idea, how to share, talking, hentai manga art work?
I don't know. Maybe someone can tell me? Pls.

Favorites. Your personal "favorites" list, that is.

Hit the Favorite option under the Options sidebar on the left of a post to "favorite" it, which adds it to your favorites list. You can also do it via the keyboard shortcut instead, as SHIFT + f.

There's also Favorite Groups, which is basically your own personal collection of posts that you can freely order within. You can also name such favorite groups for easier organization. Be aware that basic members can only create up to three favorite groups. Also, favgroups are public by default, so anyone can see them (they can be made private by editing the relevant option).

I see. Thank you for answer, sharing this.

In my case. I like hentai manga more than else.

The way to search good hentai manga is really hard work.
I watched a lots of it. Anyplace to share and communicate?
I think there is no place to do that.

Only to use some pick up web site I guess. SAD.

1455097298 said:

I see. Thank you for answer, sharing this.

In my case. I like hentai manga more than else.

The way to search good hentai manga is really hard work.
I watched a lots of it. Anyplace to share and communicate?
I think there is no place to do that.

Only to use some pick up web site I guess. SAD.

Danbooru is generally intended for individual images, so tagging and searching of "galleries" (groups of images, like doujins and mangas) may be somewhat less ideal than some other dedicated websites.

If that's what you would prefer, try looking up e-hentai or its sister site 'sadpanda'. Those websites also have comment sections for discussion of individual "galleries" (collections of images).

Thank you again. I'm just a little depress, about my intertainment.

Like I can only have fun by watching hentai, R18 stuff etc.

I listen MJ music. Like dangerous, smooth criminal. And than sad again.

I know I'm not here to ask mental help. Maybe just want to talk with someone.

Oh man. lonelyness. It hurts.