post #9000000 GET!

New tag suggestion - duo

Posted under General

I'm asking to add duo as a new tag, to indicate posts with only two individuals, like solo is used for images with just one character. It could include couples but would also include images in which the two shown are not romantically/sexually involved.

blindVigil said:

Then it wouldn't be two individuals, right?

Yeah, I misread it. I've seen this duo tag being used on other imageboards not only for two individuals, but also pictures were two individuals are interacting with each other romantically/sexually. In this sense, post #1176241 (NSFW) would count for the tag for simply having two duos having sex, but not between the couples (in which case would be orgy).

The thing with the solo tag is that it's meant to work with the 1girl, 1boy, or 1other tags by making sure that the image only has that one person and no one else (from what we can see) in the image. duo can be achieved with tags and combos like 2boys male_focus and 2girls. Then we're gonna have to go with the logical extension of what Unbreakable brought up is that you have to deal with trio, quartet, quintet, sextet+, etc. And we don't want to deal with anymore like that.

Searches like 2girls -*boy* will exclude males and adding male_focus to 2boys excludes girls, achieving the same results as the tag suggestion(s). Some people might not know about wildcard searches though, and they might not read the cheatsheet for searching.
Searching chartags:2 is possible but unreliable, given original often lacks character tags, and there could be multiple of the same character in a picture, but this is information that some people will find handy.

edit: +1 for this tag suggestion I guess, didn't really think this through


CNyte said:

Searches like 2girls -*boy* will exclude males

*boy* will catch the top 100 tags having "boy" in the name, including things like "tomboy", "cowboy shot" and "playboy bunny", so it's not really an option. See 2girls -*boy* playboy_bunny for example.

Also male_focus is not for just males, it's for pictures focusing on males. male_focus 1girl.

For non-gold+ accounts right now there's no way to search for pictures of only girls or only boys, because it has to be a 3+ tag search. This is further complicated by the 1other etc tags. It's why other boorus like sankaku have "male_only" and "female_only" tags.


blindVigil said:

Why don't we? I assume there have been past debates about it?

I found a discussion in topic #7218, but it doesn't seem like the people there realized what a pain in the ass it is to search for this kind of content (and *other tags didn't exist back then). Right now to search for female only posts you need to do ~1girl ~multiple_girls -1boy -multiple_boys -1other -multiple_others, which is absurd, since it's the limit of gold accounts, and it's extremely prone to false positives because of the fact that disembodied dicks and hands often don't get tagged with gender tags.

I personally think it makes sense to have these tags.

male focus is just a bad tag. It should in theory just be solo focus for males but since solo focus isn't gender-specific all male_focus tags _should_ be solo_focus, but they're not. What's the point of it again? If you want, as the wiki states, only male characters, _focus is a really bad name for it. Looking through its posts it seems frequently mistagged as well.

25021296 said:

The same can be argued for the solo tag, which was sort of the idea: a solo tag but with two people instead of just one.

so a 2people tag? On a side note I think this makes a case for why we should tag things even if they are the norm, since it makes refining searches unreasonably hard otherwise.

male focus exists because the vast majority of posts on this site are female-centric, and even searching for 1boy/multiple_boys is not guaranteed to find what someone wants when searching for males only. If we create a males_only tag, it will probably effectively be the same thing as male_focus, only without random extra female characters.

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