post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

BUR #5010 has been approved by @evazion.


create alias tokuhoncil -> chil0107
create alias slrspdlv -> tonagawa
rename idarintarou -> ida_rintarou
create alias gotounoriji -> nonono_(1399900)
create alias soukai_(lemonmaiden) -> aoi_masami
create alias kurai_munio -> hara_kenshi
create alias tnwjd2tkfkd -> supullim
create alias hnml55 -> pondack
create alias chiori_(pixiv9569926) -> nanase_chiori
create alias qy -> qy73
create alias bo_ren -> hachihito
create alias stefv -> nathan_stefv
create alias luffy123 -> apple_(luffy123)
create alias erumo_0384 -> abe_yuichiro
create alias maxim_domikov -> max_domikov
create alias sakuranotomoruhie -> sakura_no_tomoru_hi_e
create alias esj4f -> yuyo_(i_iuyo)
rename magenta -> uni_(oni_unicorn)
create alias u0709 -> kurage1
create alias nana_(nana17112018) -> sauvignon
create alias ginga_elyka -> naokomama

1st, same artist.
2nd, stacc name -> actual name.
3rd, proper spelling.
4th, stacc name -> current name + Twitter handle.
5th, old name -> current name.
6th, old name -> current name.
7th, stacc name -> actual name.
8th, Twitter handle -> current name.
9th, full name.
10th, same artist.
11th, wrong kanji reading.
12th, I think it's safe to use the latter. It's his signature, and also the name he uses alongside "Stefv".
13th, stacc name -> current name + stacc name.
14th, Twitter handle -> real name.
15th, the latter is the one actually used. (The former is also doubles as stacc name)
16th, proper spelling according to this page.
17th, old Twitter handle -> current name + current Twittee handle.
18th, old (and generic) name -> current name + Twitter handle.
19th, old (?) name -> current name.
20th, old name -> current name.
21st, old name -> current name.
