post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

This topic has been locked.


  • Using the Enter key to submit an upload or save a tag edit will be removed in the future. Ctrl+Enter should be used instead (issue #4661).
  • Added a new Restricted user level. New users start out as Restricted if they signup from a proxy or are detected as a sockpuppet. Being restricted is like a soft ban: you can't upload, edit tags, create comments or forum posts, or otherwise make any changes to the site, but you can still keep favorites, saved searches, and other personal things. Restricted users must verify their email address to become unrestricted.
  • The Restricted system actually existed before, the only change is that now it's a public user level instead of a hidden flag on someone's account.
  • Your IP address, location, and browser version are now recorded when you login to your account. They're also recorded when you create an account, or do any sensitive account actions, such as changing your password or email address, requesting a password reset, or deleting your account. Failed login attempts to your account are also recorded. Mods will be able to view this information. This information is recorded for account security purposes and for site moderation purposes (detecting sockpuppet accounts and ban evasion).
  • Fixed a bug with not being able to upload certain Hentai Foundry posts (issue #4657).
  • Fixed a bug with tag scripts sometimes adding the null tag (issue #4663).
  • Fixed various issues with wiki other names, artist other names, and saved search labels allowing invalid characters.
  • Fixed slow autocomplete when searching for Japanese or other non-English text.
API Changes
  • As described above, there's a new Restricted user level. Anything dealing with users will need to deal with a new user level.

Full changelog:



  • Comment system overhaul:
    • Comment scores are now visible.
    • The upvote and downvote buttons are now arrows.
    • [quote] tags have a new appearance.
    • The /comments page now shows 20 posts per page (before it was 5 posts per page).
    • The comment report/edit/delete options are now hidden behind a menu.
    • The comment menu has a "Shortlink" option that copies a comment #1234 link to the clipboard.
    • Removed the rule that regular Members couldn't post more than 2 bumping comments per hour. Now there's no limit on the number of bumping comments you can post per hour.
    • Removed the rule that you couldn't upvote your own comments.
    • The way hidden comments work has changed. Now when comments are hidden, instead of being hidden completely, they're replaced with a [hidden] link that you can click to unhide the comment.
    • The way deleted comments work has changed. Now when comments are deleted, they're replaced with a [deleted] placeholder, so you can see when a post has deleted comments.
    • The default comment threshold has been lowered to -8. This means that comments are now hidden when their score is -8 and greyed out when their score is -4. You can edit your /settings to change your threshold back. Note that a threshold of -1 in the new system is the same as a threshold of 0 in the old system. So don't set it back to 0, set it to -1. Also, the max threshold is now 5 and the minimum threshold is now -100.
    • Mods can now click the comment score to see the list of voters.
  • Account settings:
    • Removed the option to disable the next/previous post navbar under posts.
    • Removed the option to disable keyboard shortcuts.
    • Removed the option to disable tag autocomplete.
  • The next/previous post navbar is now available to logged out users. This is the navbar beneath posts that lets you move to the next or previous post in a tag search. Previously this was only available to logged in users.
  • You can now see the list of comments and forum posts you've reported to the moderators at /moderation_reports.
API Changes
  • Deleted comments now have some of their fields hidden in the API. The creator_id, updater_id, and body fields are hidden if you're not a moderator.
  • The POST /comment_votes and DELETE /comment_votes endpoints now return a comment vote instead of a comment.
  • The score param in the POST /comment_votes endpoint now takes the values "1" or "-1", not "up" or "down".

Full changelog:



  • Removed the rule that new users couldn't upload in their first 7 days.
  • Raised the max video length from 2:00 minutes to 2:20 minutes for video uploads.
  • Changed the post vote buttons to work the same way as the comment vote buttons.
  • When aliasing or renaming an artist, the artist's *_(style) tag is now moved too, if the artist has one.
  • Fixed an error when searching for -status:any.
  • Fixed @ mentioning yourself in a comment or forum post sending you a notification dmail.
  • Fixed buggy keyboard movement of notes.
  • Fixed the tag 'History' link not showing up on post search pages when the search contained a metatag.
API Changes
  • Changed the HTML/CSS structure of tag lists.

Full changelog:



  • Using the Enter key to submit uploads or tag edits now shows a warning that you should use Ctrl+Enter instead.
  • Adjusted input boxes to be a bit bigger in some places, to fit better on smaller screens, and to more consistently sized throughout the site.
  • Changed colors in light mode to have better contrast and be more consistent throughout the site.
  • Changed username colors (in light mode, if you have colored usernames turned on):
    • Gold users are now orange.
    • Moderators are now green.
    • Builders are now purplier.
    • Admins are now darker red.
    • Username colors now use the same colors as tag colors.
  • Parent/child borders are now darker green and darker orange.
  • Changed the current post in the parent/child box to have a darker background, to make it easier to see.
  • Changed how the New/Approved/Pending/Rejected labels look in the forum.
  • Changed how the post mode menu indicates the active mode (for tag script mode, etc). Instead of giving the page a different background color, the post is highlighted when you hover over it.
Related tags
  • Moved the artist tag to the translated tags section.
  • Removed the artist URLs from beneath the artist tag.
  • Selected tags are now shown in bold with a checkbox, instead of highlighted in blue. This is so you can see the tag type of selected tags.
  • Removed support for a few disused CSS properties.
  • Made the monospace font slightly thicker.
  • Added Baraag upload support.


  • Fixed Pixiv commentaries generating bad /jump.php URLs.
  • Fixed the tag counter counting duplicate tags.
  • Fixed it so that when users send a dmail to themselves, it won't get potentially marked as spam.
  • Fixed spellcheck being disabled in the note edit box.
  • Fixed "()" in page title when the post didn't have a copyright tag.
  • Fixed `*_(cosplay)` tags with a single post having their tag count marked in red.

API Changes

  • You can now have multiple API keys.
  • You can now see when your API keys were last used, how many times they've been used, and which IP address last used them.
  • API keys can be restricted to only work with certain IPs or certain API endpoints.
  • If you're an app or script developer, and you have an app that requests API keys from users, you're highly encouraged to request that users generate keys with only the minimum permissions necessary for your app to work.
  • If you have a privileged account, and you run scripts under your account, you're highly encouraged to restrict your API keys to limit damage in case they get leaked or stolen.
  • The login action (POST /sessions) no longer returns the `api_token` field.

Full changelog:


  • Uploads: Added Skeb support.
  • Added max length limits for comments, forum posts, and dmails. The limits are max 15,000 characters for comments, max 200,000 characters for forum posts, and max 50,000 characters for dmails. These limits shouldn't affect most users.
  • Fixed having to double tap related tags on iOS.
  • Fixed Pawoo uploads saving the wrong source.
  • Fixed a bug with that caused the batch bookmarklet to always pick the first picture in multi-image posts.
  • Fixed the API key IP address whitelist not showing IP subnets.
  • Hopefully fixed issue with Nijie uploads sometimes failing because of Danbooru getting logged out of Nijie.
  • Fixed favgroup navbar not showing above post when browsing another user's favgroup.
API Changes

Reworked the rate limit system:

  • Rate limits are now per-endpoint instead of global. This means that each endpoint has different rate limit counters; if you're rate limited on one endpoint, it won't affect other endpoints.
  • Rate limits are now tied to both your account and your IP address. If multiple accounts share the same IP address, then they share the same rate limit counters.
  • If you make a call while rate limited, you're penalized 1 second, up to a max of 30 seconds. This means that if you don't stop making calls while rate limited, you will stay rate limited forever until you stop and wait for your rate limit to recover.
  • All write endpoints now have rate limits. Previously some actions, such as voting, commenting, or forum posting, didn't have rate limits.
  • Added stricter rate limits for some actions, most notably creating new accounts, logging in, sending dmails, commenting, forum posting, and voting. These limits are meant to be high enough that they shouldn't affect most normal non-spammy usage.
  • Raised the default write rate limit for Gold users from 2 per second to 4 per second for all other write actions. Now Gold+ users all have the same rate limits.
  • Added a /rate_limits page where you can view your rate limits. This only updates after each API call, so it only shows the state after the last call, not the current state.
  • Renamed the `X-Api-Limit` HTTP header to `X-Rate-Limit`. X-Rate-Limit is now a JSON object that includes more information, including the cost of the call, the endpoint's recharge rate, and the burst limit.
  • Removed the `remaining_api_limit`, `api_regen_multiplier`, and `api_burst_limit` fields from /profile.json.

Full changelog:



  • Custom CSS: Custom CSS no longer automatically adds !important to the end of your CSS rules. This means your custom CSS may no longer work because it doesn't override the site's CSS in some cases. If your custom CSS no longer works, you will need to manually add !important to the end of your rules, or otherwise change your selectors to increase your CSS's specificity. See
  • Notes: translators can control the stacking order of overlapping embedded notes with e.g. <div class="note-box-attributes level-5"></div>. Valid levels are level-1 through level-5.
  • Fixed user_xxx names being automatically added to the Other Names field of new Pixiv artists.
  • Discord: Fixed Fumimi's /posts and /count commands being limited to 2 tags.
Other Changes
  • Changed how uploaded files are stored by default. If you're running your own Danbooru instance, and images are broken, you may have to move some files in the public/data folder or create some symlinks. This only affects users running their own Danbooru instance. See these commits for details:

Full changelog:



  • Uploading new Flash files is no longer allowed.
  • Added support for viewing old Flash posts using the Ruffle Flash emulator. This is experimental. Many Flash files aren't fully supported by Ruffle.
  • You can now edit the flag reason after you flag a post.
  • Discord: fixed the /count command not working sometimes because of search timeouts.
  • Discord: fixed the /tagme command not working.
  • Fixed a bug where if tag A implied tag B, and you tried to alias A to B, then it wouldn't remove the implication first.
  • Fixed the Download link in the sidebar not respecting the "Disable tagged filenames" option.
Other changes

These changes are only relevant to people running a personal Danbooru instance:

  • Made it easier to run a personal Danbooru instance. Just clone the Git repo and run bin/danbooru and it will automatically start a new Danbooru instance for you. See the Quickstart section in the README for more details. Note: this has known limitations and is still a work in progress.
  • Changed the default database connection settings. You may have to update your config if you get database connection errors. See commit 189adc683 for details.
  • Removed support for the ~/.danbooru/secret_token file and the SECRET_TOKEN environment variable. You will have to update your config if you used the ~/.danbooru/secret_token file. See commit 1a8c70f5f for details.
  • Disabled Redis by default. You will have to edit your config to re-enable Redis. See commit d59b0234a for details.

Full changelog:

Since evazion forgot to update these I guess I'll do it from now on whenever he forgets.
For now posting the changelog from last month that wasn't posted here:


  • Added Lofter upload support.
  • Banned users cannot delete their account or change their email anymore. This was done to discourage repeated ban evasion and make it easier to track sockpuppets.
  • The Skeb strategy was broken; this was fixed, and support for multi-image Skeb pages was added.
  • NicoSeiga white text is now correctly spoilered (seiga #8992650 (requires log in to see in effect), post #4282355)
  • There were a couple thousand posts with incorrect file extension (mostly jpeg instead of jpg, or png instead of jpg and vice-versa). These were manually fixed.
  • Multiple minor fixes to the default Docker config, to make it easier to create new Danbooru instances on the fly.

Full changelog:


  • The IQDB server has had some major changes, see the changelog here. It should be significantly faster than before now.
    • Known issue: there's currently a bug where non-JPG images cannot be looked up via IQDB (issue #4859).
  • Users can now edit the appeal reason after appealing a post
  • The forum tag search now includes results for BURs linking to a tag. Example
  • The skeb strategy can now sometimes fall back to slightly smaller unwatermarked pictures when the "full" 800x image is watermarked
  • Mods now have quick user_events links in user pages for easier sockpuppet hunting
  • The BUR index now links to the associated forum posts rather than topics, to avoid having to swim through 12 pages of unrelated discussion to find the right post
  • Different disapproval messages in the same post are now separated by quotes
Api Changes
  • Post disapprovals are now available as includes (issue #4607)
  • Fixed the sound tag not showing the associated thumbnail icon
  • Fixed some bad wildcard searches returning all results instead of none
  • Fixed an issue where a failed appeal could result in a reduction of the total upload limit (issue #4603)
  • Fixed an issue where disabling cropped thumbnails on mobile created blurry thumbnails (issue #4460)
  • Aliases where the consequent tag's wiki exists but is empty should now correctly copy over the antecedent's wiki contents
  • Numerical shortcuts for favgroups now only correctly trigger the first ten groups (before this fix, pressing "2" would trigger both the 2nd and 20th favgroup, for example)
  • Fixed the Lofter strategy not working for some themes
  • Fixed the Nijie strategy getting the wrong image with the batch bookmarklet
  • Fixed a broken link to the rest of a user's disapprovals in the disapproval index

Full changelog:



Minor release.

  • BURs are automatically rejected after 45 days now (it was 60 days before)
  • IQDB should now accept non-jpg images again
  • Tag nukes now remove all implications to a tag before nuking it


  • The deletion appeal thread (topic #8554) has been retired. Approvers should use the modqueue or meta searches like status:appealed status:unmoderated, which will find all appeals an approver hasn't disapproved or approved yet.
  • Ruffle has been updated to the latest version
  • The Enter key now does not submit uploads or tag changes anymore, but has been replaced by CTRL-Enter.
  • Fixed ugoira sample regeneration being broken
  • Fixed a minor css issue with form length for url input fields
  • Fixed a bug that marked every replacement comment as if it was edited by the replacer

Full changelog:


  • It's now possible to directly send the image hash to IQDB instead of the image. See this and this commit. This might be used in the future in the upload page to process the hash client-side rather than server-side.
    • The signature is essentially an array of numbers converted to a hex string. See this and this function for more details (good luck).
  • Fixed an exploit that caused saved searches to leak flaggers
  • Fixed some non-jpg images being passed through as-is to IQDB, causing an exception
  • Fixed order:random not randomizing posts for small tags
  • Fixed ordfav + order:random raising an exception
  • Fixed random=true in the api only returning one post
  • Fixed an issue where non-mods could search by disapprover

Full changelog:


  • Changed how thumbnails are generated for videos. Now the site will attempt to generate meaningful thumbnails instead of black previews. See favgroup:10972 for a list of smart(er) thumbnails that used to be solid white or black boxes.
  • Fixed an issue where the official Ruffle extension was breaking Danbooru javascript.
  • Fixed certain types of color profiles causing images to not be uploadable.
    • This is not live in the main site yet, but it's available on Betabooru uses the same database as production, so images with this issue can be uploaded there and will show up on Danbooru as normal.

Full changelog:


  • There is a new set of faster servers currently being tested at Please test and report any issues you may find in topic #17912 or in the official Discord (note that they share the same database as the main site, so don't "test" bad tagging or bad uploads). These servers will soon replace the old ones.
    • The new servers are now up and running under the main site, and the old servers have been retired.
  • Added an index of exif metadata for images, only available in json format at this page for now. This is still a very early work in progress, and there's currently no way to search for individual parameters or posts.
  • The upload page will now prevent unfinished file uploads from being submitted before they're ready
  • Raised the upload timeout for Lofter, hopefully this will make large file uploads from there fail less
  • Fixed an issue where Skeb and Weibo were not displaying artist details on the upload page

Full changelog:



  • Exif rotated posts should now have correctly rotated samples and thumbnails
  • Builders cannot edit or reject other users' BURs anymore
  • Locking post notes/rating/status now creates a mod action entry
  • The following tags are now automatically tagged when possible: greyscale, non-repeating animation and exif rotation.

Full changelog:



  • Added a basic index page for media assets/metadata at, and a basic show page at This is still in early stages, so most non-numeric metadata searches still timeout. Future iterations will address usability.
    • Known issue: some of the most recent md5 links return 404 errors, because they correspond to unfinished uploads not yet converted to posts.
  • Added a quick link in each post's sidebar to view the file's metadata, accessible as "»" after the filesize and resolution line.
  • Removed the ability for users to lock ratings, notes, and post statuses. They were almost never used and when they were, they were used wrong, either by locking overeagerly, or by doing it accidentally. Unfortunately history has shown that builders are not inherently more trustworthy than users of lower levels.
  • Deleted pools are now hidden by default in the index page
    • Added an option to show/hide deleted pools in the search form
Api Changes

Full changelog:

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