post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

BUR #4907 has been approved by @evazion.

rename kuroakei_(pixiv5742644) -> kuroakei
create alias karu_(qqqtyann) -> monaka_curl
rename berg -> berg-yb
create alias neko19920311 -> mikeko_(neko19920311)
create alias jinze_(imazawa) -> imazawa
create alias rocket_neko -> sadcat
create alias huskk -> kanashi_kumo

1st, qualifier is unneeded. No other artists have the same name. (And the existing one is the same artist)
2nd, old name (and incorrect romanization) -> current name.
3rd, too short.
4th, stacc name -> actual name + stacc name.
5th, even though artist is Chinese, it was intended to be read in Japanese, if his Weibo and Tumblr are to be believed.
6th, old name -> current name.
7th, old (?) name -> current name.
