post #9000000 GET!

Alias thigh_job

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Guaro said:

I see. Wouldn't it be intercrural then, instead of *_sex?
Well, then I'm open for that term, if thigh_job and thigh_sex is aliased to it. Some more opinions on this would be good.

Intercrural just means between the thighs. An arm between two thighs would be intercrural too.

Intercrural sex vs thigh sex has been discussed before [1] and the argument basically comes down to whether we want to use the proper term for it because it's proper or the well-known term because it's well-known.

Compare this to how we call it paizuri instead of mammary intercourse (like Wikipedia does [2]) because the proper term is really obscure and awkward-sounding for a site like Danbooru.
