
Nuke skinny_dipping

Posted under Tags

Username_Hidden said:

Shouldn't it get the pool treatment then, similar to pool #1536?

I'm not sure if pool #1536 is better as a tag or a pool (is casualness too subjective?), but skinny dipping seems like a straightforward enough concept to me. Are they nude and engaging in recreational water related activities(swimming, wading, ect.)? Then they're skinny dipping. I can't think of any reasons it should be a pool. It's a real world activity that I think most people would have at least heard of.

blindVigil said:

I'm not sure if pool #1536 is better as a tag or a pool (is casualness too subjective?), but skinny dipping seems like a straightforward enough concept to me. Are they nude and engaging in recreational water related activities(swimming, wading, ect.)? Then they're skinny dipping. I can't think of any reasons it should be a pool. It's a real world activity that I think most people would have at least heard of.

I don't think it shouldn't be a pool, just as bV said. The concept of skinny dipping is pretty straightforward, while Casual Nudity has no concept but being naked. You could be indoors, you could be outdoors, you could be doing laundry or just sitting around on the ground. The pool is about random activities, while skinny dipping doesn't have such a wide range of things you could be doing.

Guaro said:

Casual Nudity has no concept but being naked. You could be indoors, you could be outdoors, you could be doing laundry or just sitting around on the ground. The pool is about random activities, while skinny dipping doesn't have such a wide range of things you could be doing.

Then why is zenra a tag, if it's the exact same thing (afaik?)?