post #4318500: Extremely beautiful background, amazing lighting, and expertly colored all around. The artist has many uploads on the site already.
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post #4318500: Extremely beautiful background, amazing lighting, and expertly colored all around. The artist has many uploads on the site already.
post #4312876: Similar to other posts from the same artist
post #3498609: Bot says this is the parent so it should be the active one.
post #2888108: Official art
post #4356354
post #4363180: Image part of a series for which a few pictures were already approved; level of quality similar to artist's other works
post #4363182: Image part of a series for which a few pictures were already approved; level of quality similar to artist's other works
post #4363184: Image part of a series for which a few pictures were already approved; level of quality similar to artist's other works
post #4363186: Image part of a series for which a few pictures were already approved; level of quality similar to artist's other works
post #4363187: Image part of a series for which a few pictures were already approved; level of quality similar to artist's other works
post #4326218: Better quality than other accepted posts by same artist.
post #3790283
post #4364509: The shading might be a little basic but the picture doesn't look half bad.
post #3642305: parent's approved; don't see any particular issue with the uncovered region
post #3688690
post #4367455: This artist's style is all about "over the top anatomy", is not "poor quality".
post #4368476: Art has similar quality to similarly approved arts from the artist.