BUR #4540 has been approved by @evazion.
create implication grand_theft_auto_v -> grand_theft_auto
create implication grand_theft_auto:_san_andreas -> grand_theft_auto
Should be obvious
Posted under Tags
BUR #4540 has been approved by @evazion.
create implication grand_theft_auto_v -> grand_theft_auto
create implication grand_theft_auto:_san_andreas -> grand_theft_auto
Should be obvious
What about aliased as same serial name?
I think, this site not need separate tags for game name based non anime style.
Summary posts count is small: https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags?commit=Search&search%5Bhide_empty%5D=yes&search%5Bname_or_alias_matches%5D=grand_the%2A&search%5Border%5D=date
Dolmatov said:
What about aliased as same serial name?
I think, this site not need separate tags for game name based non anime style.
Summary posts count is small: https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags?commit=Search&search%5Bhide_empty%5D=yes&search%5Bname_or_alias_matches%5D=grand_the%2A&search%5Border%5D=date
If you mean having a single GTA series tag with all individual games aliased to it, that's out of the question. They're different games with different characters which are immediately recognizable, and we don't treat any other copyright like that, so it would make no sense to implement such a policy on a copyright that's as popular as GTA.
The bulk update request #4540 (forum #179694) has been approved by @evazion.