Posted under Tags
What about similar situations with other headwear, particularly such as with helmets (ex: post #1568427)? Should those have a separate tag or would it be better having a catchall tag?
If the consideration is for a catchall tag, it probably should be limited to things like hats and helmets.
NWF_Renim said:
What about similar situations with other headwear, particularly such as with helmets (ex: post #1568427)? Should those have a separate tag or would it be better having a catchall tag?
If the consideration is for a catchall tag, it probably should be limited to things like hats and helmets.
Isn't that hat around neck instead? There is also headwear around neck but with only 1 post.
Unbreakable said:
Isn't that hat around neck instead? There is also headwear around neck but with only 1 post.
A portion of the posts under hat_on_back would need to be migrated to hat_around_neck in that case. Ex: post #3579721, post #3693239, post #4134390
I guess this is leading towards having headwear on back. We could do that, but there are probably very few examples of wearing helmets on the back because of how heavy and cumbersome it would be. Frankly I kind of dislike aliasing everything from hat to headwear because of how awkward it makes the tags sound.
I cleaned up hat on back to migrate some posts to hat around neck, although on second thought I think it would be easier to just alias hat around neck to hat on back. The only difference is whether the string is tied around the neck or the back, but sometimes you can't tell or the artist doesn't draw it.
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