post #9000000 GET!

Yu-Gi-Oh! en -> jp aliases

Posted under Tags

BUR #4446 has been approved by @evazion.


create alias yugi_muto -> mutou_yuugi
create alias yugi_mutou -> mutou_yuugi
create alias seto_kaiba -> kaiba_seto
create alias mokuba_kaiba -> kaiba_mokuba
create alias serenity_wheeler -> kawai_shizuka
create alias solomon_muto -> mutou_sugoroku
create alias rebecca_hawkins -> rebecca_hopkins
create alias arthur_hawkins -> arthur_hopkins
create alias rex_raptor -> dinosaur_ryuzaki
create alias weevil_underwood -> insector_haga
create alias noah_kaiba -> kaiba_noah
create alias bandit_keith -> keith_howard
create alias miho_nosaka -> nosaka_miho
create alias odion -> rishid_ishtar
create alias espa_roba -> roba_espa
create alias mahad -> mahado
create alias shimon_muran -> shimon_muuran
create alias bandit_king_bakura -> touzokuou_bakura
create alias zorc_the_dark_one -> zorc_necrophades
create alias slifer_the_sky_dragon -> osiris_the_sky_dragon
create alias holactie_the_creator_of_light -> the_creator_god_of_light_horakhty

English localised names for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters characters aliased to their current Japanese tags.

I've struggled to find these in the past, as I'm much more familiar with the English names, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Danielx21 said:

Shouldn't we use English tags for YGO characters though?

For instance, we could use Joey Wheeler instead of Jounouchi Katsuya.

The thought crossed my mind, and it's what I would prefer personally. I don't really have my hand on the pulse of the Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom, though, so I just went with this in the meantime.

If JP -> EN aliases would be received positively, then I'm happy to put in some effort and do that instead.

Personally, I think English copyright names and Japanese character names are good. The english names of the characters comes from the English Dub, DM and GX have most of the characters with alternate names in English dub, which happen less frequently in the following YGO sagas like 5Ds, ARC-V and VRAINS. Changing all names to english version would make it a little inconsistent, becausee because there's a lot of characters that still have their original names untouched in the English dub. That's why I think an alias for them is enough.