
Rename Monaka_(Danganronpa) -> Towa_Monaka

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It's so minor IIRC, that not even the fandom wiki 'really' (which states her full name on the google search; the "spoilered" wiki as the second) cares about that spoiler and if you search for "Monaca" (how her name is in the official EN release) on pixiv, the autocomplete gives you "Monaca Towa". At the moment it's harder to search for her, because I think she's mostly known with her surname and because of our naming system it's weird to have everyone searchable with their last name but her.

But if that's how we're going, then I can't say much more. shrugs

In what way is this a spoiler?

I generally think we're way, way too liberal with calling things spoilers. It's dumb because, as mentioned, often they're things no other site considers spoilers. Whenever you see a wiki like this with a spoiler tag, you pretty much have to read the spoiler, because you have no idea what the spoiler is and whether it's serious or not. It usually isn't. Half the time it's so minor I'm left wondering why it was considered a spoiler at all.

evazion said:

In what way is this a spoiler?

Generally this:
Monaca's full name is Monaca Towa. She is the daughter of the creator of Towa City, Tokuichi Towa, as well as Haiji Towa's half little sister. Towa City is the place where the Game takes place and the Towa Industry created the evil Monokuma Robots.Which means the spoiler is generally, that of all the evil persons appearing in danganronpa another episode: ultra despair girls, of which she is a part of, she's the most evil one.

I checked some other websites to see how they handle it:
Zerochan, Yandere, rule34 and Sankaku all go for "Towa_Monaka" or "Touwa_monaka" while only gelbooru goes for "Monaka_(Danganronpa)". I generally think, that if you're searching for fanart of a character you really like or want to see, that Danbooru isn't the first website you would visit for that.