post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

BUR #4152 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias pengwin -> ushimochi
create alias taku3949 -> takuro_(taku3949)
create alias takumi-macky -> bokuya
create alias pan_korokorokoro -> pan_korokorosuke

1st, I don't know whether the former is the old name or even correct in the first place. Both Twitter accounts have a different language, with "ushimochi" is mainly using Japanese, while "dr_penGwin" uses Korean.
2nd, stacc name -> current name + stacc name.
3rd, stacc name -> actual name.
4th, old name -> current name.


BUR #4168 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias hi-rin -> hi-lin.
create alias librasono1 -> neo_libra
create alias negi_(sakuyaizayoi1029) -> negi_seijin
create alias huwali_(dnwls3010) -> huwari_(dnwls3010)
rename todoshiroo -> todoshiroh
create alias kounog -> kow_(torakow)
rename sama -> kiya_machi
create alias amulet1998 -> mechari
create alias jakunikukyoushoku -> kemokain
create alias nukomen -> betelbear

1st, old name -> current spelling.
2nd, Twitter handle -> current name.
3rd, better name from the artist's Pixiv.
4th, stacc name -> actual name.
5th, artist's own spelling, from his email.
6th, artist's own spelling.
7th, old name -> current name + Twitter handle.
8th, was surprised this one was left unfixed for years, even after the artist had using "Kiya Machi" name for years. (Plus "sama" is a very generic name)
9th, stacc name -> actual name.
10th, Tumblr name -> current name.
11th, stacc name -> current name.
