post #2301594: neat sen illustration
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post #2301594: neat sen illustration
post #4225283: The art shares the same qualities of previous uploaded work of the artist.
post #3064109: Quality on par with artist's approved works
post #4228215: Cute and topical art, well received by the community and well drawn to me.
post #4228068: Same quality as the artist's other works plus detailed background. Anatomy checks out. Mouth is far from too wavy to warrant "poor quality".
post #4228069: Same quality as the artist's other works plus detailed background. Anatomy checks out. Mouth is far from too wavy to warrant "poor quality".
post #4228070: Same quality as the artist's other works plus detailed background. Anatomy checks out. Mouth is far from too wavy to warrant "poor quality".
post #4227638: WTF this is the sequel to another upload I upload and it got approved immediately! Why did that one pass yet this one get deleted!?
post #4228881: Got lost in the queue
post #3867296: It's pretty good
post #1050242: A good example of traditional media. I've heard someone call it terrifying. I'd call it striking.
post #3174337: Same quality as the other works of this artist.
post #4230452: This is good quality
post #4230484: This is good quality
post #4230452: This is good quality
post #4230484: This is good quality
post #2069363: I'm surprised to find shake-o on the deleted queue. Would go after a proper link, but it could take forever.
post #4224621: i mean you might not like akino but i believe saren mama is still a good girl :(
post #4230788: no bully saren mama FeelsBadMan
post #4230806: saren mama = sex ;)
post #4089129: Good quality fan art of vintage obscure (but notable) sci-fi anime character and its voice actress