post #9000000 GET!

Remove food-themed earring implications

Posted under Tags

BUR #4064 has been approved by @evazion.

remove implication banana_earrings -> food_themed_earrings
remove implication cake_earrings -> food_themed_earrings
remove implication cookie_earrings -> food_themed_earrings
remove implication eggplant_earrings -> food_themed_earrings
remove implication tomato_earrings -> food_themed_earrings

Some of the more popular food types are implicated to food themed earrings like strawberry, carrot, cherry and so on, but I thought these ones were a little excessive given how few posts there were. Heck, eggplant_earrings and tomato_earrings were only attributed to post #1701921.

I was a little dubious about adding apple earrings and pineapple earrings to the BUR since both of those have around 8 posts each, and it's hard to tell if there should be a minimum limit for more unconventional tags like these. At least the ones I listed had fewer than that, so I didn't think they were worth keeping.

Yeah, logically coherent but useless implications should be left to the retired tag bot to deal with.

In the meantime, if an anime happens to come out where a popular character wears cookie or eggplant earrings, leaving these standing saves us a BUR. That could happen just as easily after the tag is retired too, but eh.

7HS said:

Yeah, logically coherent but useless implications should be left to the retired tag bot to deal with.

Benit149 removed these tags from all of their posts before submitting this BUR, so now that they're empty they'll be automatically retired next Sunday, which is when the weekly maintenance runs. This makes the BUR superfluous.


nonamethanks said:

Benit149 removed these tags from all of their posts before submitting this BUR, so now that they're empty they'll be automatically retired within a week.

But why nuke the tags? I can understand deimplicating them for being too small, but is it really necessary to empty the tags as well just because they don't have some arbitrary minimum count?

I don't think these needed to be nuked, but they were too small to deserve implications.

Small, hyper-specific tags like this are only a problem when they create fragmentation, or when they're some tiny detail only present on a single post or character. Most of these weren't super valuable, but they weren't hurting anything either (except maybe the ones that existed only on post #1701921 and nowhere else).