post #4061196: Variant of approved parent.
post #4086877
post #4091635
post #4136281: High quality & well received by users
post #4166938: High quality & well received by users
post #4166948: High quality & well received by users
Posted under General
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post #4061196: Variant of approved parent.
post #4086877
post #4091635
post #4136281: High quality & well received by users
post #4166938: High quality & well received by users
post #4166948: High quality & well received by users
post #4034894: not my upload, but a decent post.
post #3798454: High quality & good user appeal.
post #3597749: It's a fantastic picture and should be reconsidered
post #4151774
post #3865584: The pixelated part seems intentional, and the quality of this and some others under the same Parent seems similar with the approved one.
post #4219192: It's a beautiful piece of art, albeit have a more "rough" look compared to the colored art
post #4210753: Honestly, this is the one of the best ugoira ever made. The ugoira is very well animated and fluid. Please consider this upload.
post #4220786: Variant of approved parent by artist, well received by users.
post #3762511: An overall good picture. Shading on the face is good, fine pose, and excellent hair.
post #1731500: wholly deserving of a second chance.
post #4224477: Seriously?
post #4171102: She's an adorable little cinnamon bun. That and the artist's other artworks (save one) aren't deleted.