
Tag discussion and clean-up: off-shoulder_jacket

Posted under Tags

I'd like to discuss a tag that is in need of significant clean-up: the off-shoulder jacket tag

Normally, the specific off-shoulder tags should only be used to refer to clothes that are designed with low and wide necklines that bare the shoulders normally. Despite this, the off-shoulder jacket tag is consistently misused for open or partially-open jackets that are simply worn hanging off the upper arms, regardless of how they were designed to be worn (as noted by the wiki).

Using Taihou in her Enraptured Companion outfit (who has a lot of off-shoulder jacket mistags) as an example: in theory, if you are able to wear a jacket normally (ie. post #4187254) without letting it slip off and expose your shoulders (ie. post #3973228), the off-shoulder jacket tag does not really apply, since the jacket isn't designed with shoulder-baring neckline. In cases where the wearer lets the jacket slip off their shoulders, then only the regular off shoulder tag should be used.

One of the only rare instances of the tag being used correctly (iirc) is one of Natsuiro Matsuri's outfits (ie. post #3995588, post #3310397), since her yellow jacket appears to be designed with a low neckline in mind, meaning it will bare her shoulders when worn correctly. post #4068521 and post #4045966 are also correct usages of the tag, since the neckline of the jacket stops just below the shoulders, leaving the area above the neckline bare.

Just something I want to discuss with other users before I will go and garden the tag, update the wiki, then request implications with the appropriate tags.


On a related note, the off-shoulder kimono tag could probably use a bit of discussion as well.

The issue is that off shoulder, as the wiki says, is used for both.

Sleeved clothing articles that rest just below a character's shoulder(s), at around the upper arm level. This includes clothing that has slipped or been pulled off the shoulders, as well as clothing designed to be worn this way.

If you try to enforce a difference between off-shoulder jacket and off-shoulder_jacket I don't think it's going to change anything, give it a year and the tag will be back to how it was. The names are too similar. Even google results show both types.

I don't think it's unreasonable for an uploader who didn't read the wiki to assume off-shoulder jacket is a variant of off-shoulder just like any other tag.

nonamethanks said:

I don't think it's unreasonable for an uploader who didn't read the wiki to assume off-shoulder jacket is a variant of off-shoulder just like any other tag.

Always the same problem for tags that have an easy understandable name for a concept, but for whatever reason shouldn´t be used for exactly that.
I rather suggest to change the name for the concept you want it to be used and leave off-shoulder_jacket for things like off shoulder, as the original tag will be misused again and again.

Unbreakable said:

You have any suggestions?

NNT suggested top-crop jacket as a possible tag (on discord). I do think that´s a good idea, as top-crop isn´t used by anything else and could be used for other clothing.
And to me the outfit we´re talking about just looks like the part was cropped.

Another suggestion was hanging jacket, but I do think that this would be misused again. And it sounds bad.

Guaro1238 said:

Yeah, but even the joke is better than the original concept of the tag-name.

Except that the current tag name is consistent with real-world usage. "Off-shoulder" and "off-the-shoulder" are standard terminology across the fashion industry. See Macy's, H&M, Bloomingdale's, Forever 21, Express, etc. Trying to invent a new term to tag these garments will only confuse users trying to search for them.

I agree with NNT that the problem originates with our ambiguous off_shoulder tag. If someone values the idea of "clothing worn off the shoulder that was designed to be over the shoulder" so much that they need a way to search for it, they should come up with a new tag for that instead. Maybe shoulder_slip or something like that.