post #9000000 GET!

Loudspeaker -> speaker

Posted under Tags

I'm leaning towards yes, but it occurs to me that a substantial fraction of the posts tagged loudspeaker are using the tag for public address systems like those mounted on poles outdoors or those used in classrooms. This may be due to our definition of speaker ("A device often plugged into stereos..."), which seems to discourage its use for loudspeakers of this type. It may also be to distinguish these devices from the rest of the speaker tag, which is heavily dominated by guitar amplifiers and computer speakers.

Should we preserve this distinction with a new tag, or should we just merge everything into speaker?

One argument for merging them is that it would require a lot of gardening, unless we can think of a great tag name that people would intuitively use.

Or perhaps we should use PA-system as a subtag to speaker?