
sack and pouch -> bag implications

Posted under Tags

iridescent_slime said:

Not all objects tagged as pouches are bags. Some of them — particularly belt pouches — are squarish containers made from rigid materials, more akin to boxes than bags. For example, post #3580693 or post #4160534.

That goes for any other container too though - see for example some of the rigid bags under handbag nurse. Even randoseru is a "squarish container made from rigid materials".
I definitely wouldn't call any of those pouches a box.

To be honest, the randoseru implication never made any sense to me either. It completely disregards the standard definition of a bag as a flexible container, and if we're willing to do that, then we might as well tag suitcases as bags. But I try to avoid questioning implications that were created over a decade ago.

iridescent_slime said:

To be honest, the randoseru implication never made any sense to me either. It completely disregards the standard definition of a bag as a flexible container, and if we're willing to do that, then we might as well tag suitcases as bags. But I try to avoid questioning implications that were created over a decade ago.

Not saying is something I'd really get behind as far as our usage goes, but hard-sided suitcases are regularly called "bag"s, especially by the airline / travel industry. Not exactly the same, but "baggage" and "luggage" have been pretty much synonymous since shipping in the middle ages. I think the semantics are close enough to reasonable to justify the randoseru implication. Particularly so since pretty much all other forms of "backpack" are considered "bag"s. No strong opinion on "pouch" though, which can sort of go either way as far as being prototypically "bag"-like.