
Full censorship tag creation/name discussion

Posted under General

I have recently encountered a type of censorship that doesn't have an appropriate tag on Danbooru.
Examples of said censorship: post #4102279 (bara) post #4066190

We discussed it briefly on discord and the name suggestions we came up with were:-

I would like to discuss which name the majority feel is most appropriate. Then we can add it to the appropriate wikis like tag group:censorship

I´m in support for blank_censor, because all the censor does is leave one part of the image blank. White censor sound kinda misleading and I think that full censorship sounds more like a hard censor on the whole image. But if other sites use it, it should be used too or at least be aliased.


Off topic, but why do we have that tag? Does anyone really care about the color of the censor bar or would want to search for a specific color for some reason? If nothing else it should have the same word order as the parent tag, bar censor.

Anyway blank_censor seems okay to me, but it will need a descriptive wiki page.

Mexiguy said:

full_censorship makes it sound like some sort of extreme censorship and you can bet people would start using it for old-school VN CGI mosaic censorhip.

The term is already used like that outside of Danbooru, i don't know why we need to reinvent the wheel.

mongirlfan said:

If I'm not mistaken, its only used on Sankaku (with only 9 posts).

The websites given by cutebara use the term with way more counts. That doesn´t make it a good term in my opinion. Some sites always use another name for the same thing, just look at all the other alias threads where it´s just about term use.
Full Censorship doesn´t have a specific name meaning, as it could be anything.

Mexiguy said:

you can bet people would start using it for old-school VN CGI mosaic censorhip.

This is exactly what I mean. It could be read as "full censor of a penis" or something else (just think about the pointless censoring tag as an opposite). Blank Censor sounds way more user-friendly to me.

I made the blank_censor tag and tagged my own uploads with it.
I would appreciate it if someone could help populate it with artworks that contain females. If anyone feels like writing the wiki for it that would be much appreciated as well (I'm not very confident in my skills for that).

Does anyone object to the full_censor alias or should I go ahead and do it?