post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

BUR #3476 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias tetsuo_(tetuo1129) -> hiiragi_yuuichi
create alias g3bit10 -> g3_(g310b3)
create alias oldevixen -> xochi_(nueeen6978)
category ai -> general
create alias chengcheng2b -> liu_zhao
create alias tentacle-jill-mars -> jill_(jillnova)

1st, same artist. While he still uses "Tetsuo" on Pixiv, he nowadays uses the latter (even in his Fanbox).
2nd, stacc name -> current name + current Twitter handle.
3rd, inactive Twitter handle -> current name + stacc name.
4th, turning an artist tag made by mistake back to general tag.
5th, stacc name -> actual name.
6th, stacc name -> actual name + Twitter handle.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3476 (forum #172953) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

BUR #3481 has been approved by @BrokenEagle98.

rename o_(maru14mori) -> aguruma_(yukisita03)

Same artist with same listed Twitter account @sirimochi_y for both Pixiv accounts. Last post for Pixiv User 1980711 is Dec 2017, and the first post for Pixiv User 22084933 is Sep 2018, so there's no overlap as the older account looks to have been abandoned.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3481 (forum #173017) has been approved by @BrokenEagle98.

Updated by DanbooruBot