
K/DA -> song differentiator

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Zupi said:

The characters are named that way because that's how the skins are named in the official game.

The K/DA names should stay that way then.

The new characters don't have enough posts to justify an implication yet. They only have a small number of posts so far and there isn't nearly as much fanart being generated for them as there was for the original song.

The format of wiki pages should be:

  • Main text
  • "h4. See also" section
  • "h4. External links" section

External links should always go in the external links section, and the external links section should always go last, after the see also section. This is the standard format for wiki pages, for both Wikipedia and for us. Other information, like the fact that "POP/STARS was performed live at the finals opening ceremony" (as the wiki previously stated), should be explained in the main text of the wiki, assuming it's actually important.