post #9000000 GET!

Appeals and Upload Limits

Posted under General

Hi everyone

Sorry if I'm posting wrongly

I've noticed recently that an appeal that I've made got rejected, and with this my Upload Limit was also reduced

Idk if this intentional (I'll assume that's intentional to avoid tons of appeals), but it could be informed in howto:appeal and about:upload limits that "If your appeal is rejected, it will count as three deletions and you will lose an slot"

Well, i think that's all for now

kittey said:

That is intentional. Rejected appeals take up 5 upload slots until three days since flagging have passed. You should get them back afterwards. See forum #171282.

They're asking about appeals, that post is about uploads. Apparently a rejected appeal counted against their max upload limit as if three of their uploads had been deleted. If that's intentional, it's not listed anywhere easy to find.

I had an appeal that was denied yesterday and I didn't lose an upload slot. Could it have possibly been your 3rd deletion which caused your upload limit to be reduced by 1? Although I guess that wouldn't happen since the post was deleted before appealing.

mongirlfan said:

Should each rejected appeal really count as three deleted uploads? I mean, they're clearly different things, rejected appeals aren't adding more bad uploads to the site.

Yes they should count as more than one upload slot. They have already gone 3 days without approval previously at least once, and perhaps more than once in the case of flags. Appealing is basically putting that rejected post back into the heap with the new and likely approvable posts.

  • Deleted posts (1mo): 1974
  • Approved posts (1mo): 17768
  • Approval ratio: 17768 / (1974 + 17768) = 90.0%

It's like taking a product already marked insufficient by QC and sending it back through inspection line again. Instead of being an easy rubber stamp like most posts, I imagine that the burden of scrutiny would be much higher for an appealed post. Extra burden means it should require extra slots IMO. Besides, if it was such a great post that was somehow missed, it'll be easily rubber stamped and you'll get your 3 upload slots back.

Travley_ZeroFaithedHypocrite said:

I created issue #4603

Kind of jumping the gun there, before anything has really been hashed out here.

What about when you appeal a post, it's rejected, and gets approved by someone else later - but it still counts as "rejected" on your appeal list and the penalisation presumably still remains? That's happened to me, and it doesn't seem right.

yn said:

What about when you appeal a post, it's rejected, and gets approved by someone else later - but it still counts as "rejected" on your appeal list and the penalisation presumably still remains? That's happened to me, and it doesn't seem right.

An appeal is only rejected after the 3-day period expires, after which you get the slots back regardless (see Howto:Appeal).

This is how it works:

  • Each upload takes up 1 upload slot. The upload slot is freed after the upload is approved or deleted in three days.
  • Each appeal takes up 3 upload slots. The upload slot is freed after the appeal is approved or the appeal is rejected in three days.
  • For every 3 deleted uploads, you lose 1 upload slot. For example, if you have 15 upload slots, then after 3 deletions you will have 14 slots.
  • Rejected appeals don't make you lose upload slots.

Appeals intentionally take up more slots than regular uploads to encourage uploaders to be selective about their appeals. If you have 15 uploads slots, you can appeal 5 posts at once, but if none of them get approved, then you can't upload or appeal more for three days. So don't appeal things unless you think they're really worth it.

After some weeks I finally got an upload rejected and it's appeal also rejected to figure out that the appeal's reject in my own posts it's docking down the limit

The post appealed was post #4135899 specifically

This was my account before doing the appeal:
This was my account after appealing: (nothing changes, except for the 3 slots taken)
This was my account after the appeal failed: (the slots were free-ed and the limit docked down as there was another post rejection)

So if that's un-intentional, something is going wrong on appeal system to remove the limit after failing in itself uploaded posts