
Paid Rewards

Posted under General

I'm wondering if we should just hide all the paid rewards we have. I don't think it's a smart move to have then out in the open at all. Perhaps one day an artist can get mad and just ban all his/her art on here all together just by peeping at one paid reward. Think about it, but what do you think?

edit: and if the issue is that you'll miss them being on here, well... I mean... it's not like there isn't other alternatives, I'd assume...


The old ones are still there because they've been grandfathered in.

I don't like that, since it's really risky. I noticed that ricegnat stepped in himself to have his paid rewards all banned, but if he had been anyone else, he could've just been like "Um, I'm real mad ban ALL my art pixiv and errything y'all lost my trust". Just... uhh... think about that... it isn't an unreasonable thing to think.

We've really already discussed this whole issue at length, all the various "what if"s were already brought up, and it's only been two months since a conclusion was reached. Two large policy changes, on the same topic in such a short amount of time isn't a good idea. It's also a bit late to be worrying about rewards from two, three, or five+ years ago.

blindVigil said:
Two large policy changes, on the same topic in such a short amount of time isn't a good idea. It's also a bit late to be worrying about rewards from two, three, or five+ years ago.

Not too late when there is a bad risk imo. But that's jmo. I'll stop now. If this thread need be locked then ok.