post #9000000 GET!

help:glossary discussion thread

Posted under General

I've mainly learnt the meaning of "Gardening" and other such terms through lurking. Would be nice to have some sort of mini-dictionary for Danbooru-only terms (or terms you wouldn't encounter outside of certain internet circles).


You can create group list wiki as: list_of_*
After include list to list_of_meta-wikis and tag_groups
Example name: list_of_danbooru_tags (as part "Tag groups" on list_of_meta-wikis and "See also" on tag_groups)

Thus, having solved your issue at the initial stage, and the further filling of the wiki page will remain for all users.
Additionally, at the bottom, you can add a link to this topic, where a specific change will be discussed as needed:
finding a tag and checking its uniqueness by terminology;
removal of a tag from the list due to distribution on other sites;
Alice tag designation on other sites (including in the form of a note on the wiki page);

Dolmatov said:


It's not about tags, it's about terminology. But yeah, that's the general gist of it. Something a la howto:* wikis.

I was mainly trying to find agreement on a terminology's meaning between the users/someone who could explain terminology clearly.

nonamethanks said:

I can't think of many terms specific to danbooru to be honest. Only two I can think of right off the bat are 1upping and gardening. We probably don't have enough to fill a wiki page.

It´s not much, but you can add some general words, that are often used for danbooru:
BUR, alias, imply, sniping, gardening, 1upping, stacc..
You don´t have to stop at the normal terms.

You´ll also get some of those in the specific place where it´s used, but you can still make a short definition for new users in a wiki.
What speaks against that is, that you can easily ask for stuff like that on the official discord, but on the other hand, you can then link the specific wiki for new users.

nonamethanks said:

I can't think of many terms specific to danbooru to be honest. Only two I can think of right off the bat are 1upping and gardening. We probably don't have enough to fill a wiki page.

I'm not aiming for a big wiki page, just for a quick reference for newer users.

You could also include stuff like terminology and concepts that aren't specific to Danbooru, but are applicable due to the way they can play a role - for instance, the concept of the Pixiv rush (both in context of Pixiv itself, and how it plays out on Danbooru).

Damian0358 said:

You could also include stuff like terminology and concepts that aren't specific to Danbooru, but are applicable due to the way they can play a role - for instance, the concept of the Pixiv rush (both in context of Pixiv itself, and how it plays out on Danbooru).

Yeah, i was planning on that too.

To be honest, i don't actually know much about this myself. If someone is willing to even just explain me "common knowledge" things, so i can reword it and write it down, that would be much appreciated.

Not sure if this is helpful, but here's definitions I know:

  • tag gardening - adding proper tags to an undertagged post (or just any post in general) and/or removing tags that don't apply.
  • pixiv rush - artists like to upload to pixiv just after midnight Japan time so their art can have the most eyes on it and get a shot at pixiv's daily popular page. It's become enough of a tradition there that even artists who aren't popular or skilled enough to hit the popular page will still join the rush. The flood of new art on Pixiv means a flood of new art reposted to Danbooru.
  • sniping - when someone else uploads something you were going to upload. This especially applies if you were still tagging when their upload completed and they used fewer tags than you.
  • mintagging - tagging an upload with the bare minimum or below; usually associated with sniping. Don't do this
  • BUR - stands for "Bulk Update Request." By filling out this form, you can request one or more aliases, implications, or mass updates between tags.
    • alias - when two tags mean the exact same thing, one can be set as an alias of the other, so that the aliased tag gets automatically changed to the destination tag on every post using it, and searching for the aliased tag searches for the destination instead. For example, belly_button is aliased to navel. this is also used to create shortcuts for long tags, for example /tr is aliased to translation_request.
    • implication - when the presence of one tag will always mean a second tag should be added to the image, the first can be set to imply the second. For example, rose implies flower.
    • mass update - when one tag should be removed from every image it's used on, and a different tag (or no tag) added in its place.
  • umbrella tag - a generic tag that several specific tags imply. for example, rose, daisy, and sunflower each imply flower.
  • 1up - when a better version of an existing post is uploaded, especially if the existing version hadn't been approved yet and ends up deleted because the new one was better. Commonly seen with Pixiv posts 1upping Twitter posts during the era when Twitter would reduce the quality of images to save space.
  • stacc - A page on pixiv showing the uploads (and optionally the favorites) of the pixiv user. For example, The stacc name is also the login name of the user (<-- someone else verify this before putting it in the glossary). Sometimes the stacc name can be used as a qualifier for the artist's tag, but it should be avoided as the artist's main name -- see howto:pixiv.
  • qualifier - a word in parenthesis at the end of tags that have the same name, for example keyboard_(instrument) and keyboard_(computer), or shimakaze_(kantai_collection) and shimakaze_(azur_lane). Qualifiers are also used when a name could be confused for a common word, for example hammer and hammer_(sunset_beach).
  • dtext - the text formatting for comments and forum posts, see help:dtext
  • dmail - (old name for) a private message
  • API or API Key or API Limits - if you use external programs with danbooru (for example mass downloaders or userscripts), the API is how they communicate with the site. The API Key lets your program do things that require an account; using the key tells the site that it's coming from you. The API Limit is how quickly the program is allowed to do things on the site.
  • hard translated - when a translation is photoshopped directly onto the image. (See the hard_translated wiki.) danbooru's notes system allows translators to put translations in boxes floating over the image without changing the file itself; this is called a soft translation.
  • parent and child - a way to group together different versions of similar posts; see help:post relationships
  • flag or flagged - if a post is low quality or breaks the rules, you can flag it for deletion; see howto:flag
  • appeal - if a deleted post is good, you can appeal the deletion; see about:deletion appeals.
  • double deleted or purged - usually deleted posts are still on the server, so they can be undeleted if there was a mistake, or blocked from being reuploaded if not. Double deleted posts are completely erased and gone for good: for example, post #6. This usually only happens to posts that either go above and beyond in breaking the site rules, or are illegal.
  • blacklist - danbooru hides posts if they contain a tag from your blacklist; see help:blacklists
  • safebooru - danbooru's option to hide posts that aren't rated safe: visit your account settings or use beware that there's also another website called "safebooru" that has nothing to do with danbooru (other than automatically copying posts from danbooru, as many boorus do)
  • booru - danbooru is the name of both this website and the site's behind-the-scenes software. There are other websites that use the same software, or older/modified versions, or software with a similar idea. Altogether these sites are called "boorus."
  • feedback or user feedback - see help:user records
  • tag script - not an actual script! a special mode that users with gold level or higher can use to add/remove tags from posts just by clicking on their thumbnails (see help:tag scripts)
  • gold+ - a short way of saying "gold level or higher," see help:users for a list of the different levels
  • contributor or contrib - in a way, everyone who contributes to the site is a contributor, but usually this term means people who have the unrestricted upload permission. This is because it was once a separate user level; if you see approvers being called "janitors," it's for the same reason.
  • moderator - be aware that many of the people who approve/disapprove posts are Approvers but are not Moderators. See help:users -- basically, moderatng posts and moderating users are two different (but overlapping) roles.

"What do the colored borders mean?"
(Note that sometimes borders are part of the art; this is for borders added around the thumbnail by the website.)

  • green / yellow - the post is a parent or child post (respectively), see howto:post relationships
  • blue - the post is pending approval and will be deleted automatically if it isn't approved within 3 days
  • black - the post has been deleted

"What does the MD5 mismatch comment on my post mean?"
Either that something went wrong while uploading, or that the artist edited their original post after you uploaded it here. See md5_mismatch

I gave Help:Glossary the once over, and I linked a couple of key wikis as well as this topic in the See also section at the end. The only question though is which wikis should link to the glossary?

fossilnix said:

"What do the colored borders mean?"
(Note that sometimes borders are part of the art; this is for borders added around the thumbnail by the website.)

  • green / yellow - the post is a parent or child post (respectively), see howto:post relationships
  • blue - the post is pending approval and will be deleted automatically if it isn't approved within 3 days
  • black - the post has been deleted

"What does the MD5 mismatch comment on my post mean?"
Either that something went wrong while uploading, or that the artist edited their original post after you uploaded it here. See md5_mismatch

These weren't included in the glossary I edited, but perhaps these should go in a Help:FAQ instead?

Mysterious_Uploader said:

On that note, howto:get_started needs to be a bit rewritten. It has a lot of unnecessary padding, and should be more concise.

I agree. There's a lot of outdated information that doesn't reflect current Danbooru. Especially "the favorites of some of Danbooru's most beloved members" part, which almost all of them aren't really active anymore.

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