
create implication bust_chart -> chart

Posted under Tags

This tag needs cleaning up if it's going to imply chart.

Currently, in addition to "standard" bust charts as described in its wiki (and adequately chartlike variations like post #3906193,) it contains a lot of random pictures of multiple characters arranged in a decidedly non-chart-like fashion, usually (but not always) with some kind of textual reference to their bust size.

Examples of posts tagged bust_chart that aren't really charts are post #44680, post #434162, post #631680, and post #2375591.


7HS said:

This tag needs cleaning up if it's going to imply chart.

Currently, in addition to "standard" bust charts as described in its wiki (and adequately chartlike variations like post #3906193,) it contains a lot of random pictures of multiple characters arranged in a decidedly non-chart-like fashion, usually (but not always) with some kind of textual reference to their bust size.

Examples of posts tagged bust_chart that aren't really charts are post #44680, post #434162, post #631680, and post #2375591.

I'm inclined to disagree with the first two. The first indicates a decrease in bust as the number increases. The second is outright implying the size differences by alphabet, albeit not much.

But I do agree that the tag itself is going to need some cleanup. Possibly a bare minimum to qualify, such as the format shown in the tag's wiki.
What's better? Only going by the format demonstrated? Or allowing exceptions in scaling such as the first two images?

I don't lean on the latter two's inclusion, as their only indication is... Lacking? The quantity of characters and lack of additional visual cue makes them iffy. Besides the ABCDXXX in the Vocaloid image.

The fourth outright isn't chart-like in any capacity- It only lines the characters up with their bust size increasing to the right. Calling it a chart might require it to have a larger quantity of characters as demonstration.

... Or rename bust_chart to suit all four of those posts.

chilled_sake said:

A breast chart here is just a comparison of more than two busts, that just does not comport to the definition of chart by any stretch and I don't we need clarification of the tag or a new one

Hate to nitpick, but you've qualified bust_chart into chart yourself here.

Artwork that contains organized information for easy reading, identification, and compare/contrast.

chilled sake said:

A breast chart here is just a comparison of more than two busts

baconmeh2 said:

Hate to nitpick, but you've qualified bust_chart into chart yourself here.

I don't think that's the case, I don't think variations in busts means they are organized in a particular manner, but you may view it that way.

I think that definition of chart is not how the tag is used either, it would require many such implications or much tag gardening to it such as from character chart, which as we can see from post #3883906 need not even be contained by one image. Also this definition of chart would encompass many images from variations and I don't think that that either is how people view the tag.

Charts I think people view as needing "charty" things like elements of a graph, structural lines, or descriptive text, not any mere comparison.

chilled_sake said:

I think that definition of chart is not how the tag is used either, it would require many such implications or much tag gardening to it such as from character chart, which as we can see from post #3883906 need not even be contained by one image. Also this definition of chart would encompass many images from variations and I don't think that that either is how people view the tag.

There is no reason for that image (actually its child) to be tagged character chart, that tag needs some serious gardening because people have started using it for solo images, which is not what that tag is for.

If I had to guess why those seemingly random posts are getting tagged character chart, it could be from uploaders trying to autocomplete tags like character name or character request and misclicking.

baconmeh2 said:

... Or rename bust_chart to suit all four of those posts.

There's enough genuine bust charts that the tag should just be tidied up IMO, but size comparison is a somewhat similar tag that could be used on stuff like post #2375591, or a new tag like breast comparison (which is currently aliased to bust chart) could be created.

chilled_sake said:

I don't think that's the case, I don't think variations in busts means they are organized in a particular manner, but you may view it that way.

I think that definition of chart is not how the tag is used either, it would require many such implications or much tag gardening to it such as from character chart, which as we can see from post #3883906 need not even be contained by one image. Also this definition of chart would encompass many images from variations and I don't think that that either is how people view the tag.

Charts I think people view as needing "charty" things like elements of a graph, structural lines, or descriptive text, not any mere comparison.

post #3883616 is what i meant to link, not its parent but looking closer it doesn't look exemplative.

I think a _comparison tag makes sense, however that would seem to need an implication from breast_envy as well which would change the meaning of the tag, I don't know if that's good or bad