post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

BUR #3092 has been approved by @VR-Man.

create alias sunoril -> 7gao
create alias akai2930 -> rikui_(rella2930)
create alias imakaeru -> tako_(00303780)
create alias tokorotn -> rinrin_kai
create alias ran_(artist) -> araragi_soushi
create alias hmjmh -> mifa_(hmjmh)
create alias mitsdasaw -> hashimoto_hato
create alias hayataku1234 -> gore_(white_gore)
create alias weaponman -> bukiya_(weaponman)
create alias madarame_(kagetsu) -> 909_(kagetsu99)
create alias giba_(out-low) -> fed_(giba)
create alias nashi_(mataborin01224) -> p-tree
create alias izumo_(user_cmcy2878) -> misago_(525)
create alias takoyakiudon -> tudon_(donut)

1st, old name -> current name.
2nd, stacc name -> actual name. It's likely it supposed to be read as "rikui" in Chinese (and the Twitter profile is "IK", supported this) even though artist is Korean.
3rd, old name -> current name.
4th, stacc name -> Twitter handle. Artist name is "リン", so it's still okay to use his Twitter handle.
5th, besides "_(artist)" qualifier is a bad idea, there's no trace of the artist went by the name "Ran" anywhere.
6th, unknown whether it was a stacc name or old name.
7th, Twitter handle -> actual name.
8th, stacc name -> actual name.
9th, stacc name -> actual name.
10th, old name -> current name.
11th, old name -> current name.
12th, old name -> current name.
13th, old name -> current name.
14th, stacc name -> actual name.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3092 (forum #169878) has been approved by @VR-Man.

Updated by DanbooruBot

BUR #3097 has been approved by @Jisadel.

create alias alcoholism_(wf446066985) -> alcoholism_(kitana-chan)
create alias 1040884929 -> mowangzhanjiang

The first one: stacc qualifier; a better qualifier can be found in the BCY profile name, 汚ちゃん.

The second one: numbers stacc name; their profile name is translated from 魔王蘸酱.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3097 (forum #169998) has been approved by @inkuJerr.

Updated by DanbooruBot