post #9000000 GET!

Changing Nier: Automata character names to their shortened names + adding qualifiers

Posted under Tags

BUR #2997 has been rejected.


mass update nier_automata -> nier:_automata
create implication nier:_automata -> nier_(series)
create alias yorha_no._2_type_b_(cosplay) -> 2b_(nier:_automata)_(cosplay)
create alias yorha_no._2_type_p -> 2p_(nier:_automata)
create alias yorha_no._2_type_p_(cosplay) -> 2p_(nier:_automata)_(cosplay)
create alias yorha_type_s_no._21 -> s21_(yorha)
create alias yorha_type_a_no._6 -> a6_(yorha)
create alias yorha_no._801_type_s -> 801s_(nier:_automata)
create alias yorha_no._42_type_s -> 42s_(nier:_automata)
create alias yorha_no._32_type_s -> 32s_(nier:_automata)
create alias yorha_no._11_type_s -> 11s_(nier:_automata)
create alias yorha_no._4_type_s -> 4s_(nier:_automata)
create alias yorha_type_a_no._4 -> a4_(yorha)
create alias yorha_no._9_type_s_(cosplay) -> 9s_(nier:_automata)_(cosplay)
create alias yorha_infantry_squad_commander -> commander_(nier:_automata)
create alias yorha_no._7_type_e -> 7e_(edward_montenegro)
create alias yorha_type_a_no._2_(cosplay) -> a2_(cosplay)
create alias yorha_type_a_no._2 -> a2_(nier:_automata)
create alias yorha_no._9_type_s -> 9s_(nier:_automata)
remove alias 9s_(nier) -> 9s_(nier:_automata)
remove alias a2_(nier) -> a2_(nier:_automata)
create alias yorha_no._2_type_b -> 2b_(nier:_automata)
mass update adam_(nier_automata) -> adam_(nier:_automata)
mass update eve_(nier_automata) -> eve_(nier:_automata)
mass update pod_(nier_automata) -> pod_(nier:_automata)
mass update pod_(nier_automata)_(cosplay) -> pod_(nier:_automata)_(cosplay)
mass update pascal_(nier_automata) -> pascal_(nier:_automata)
mass update anemone_(nier_automata) -> anemone_(nier:_automata)
mass update adam_(nier_automata)_(cosplay) -> adam_(nier:_automata)_(cosplay)
mass update eve_(nier_automata)_(cosplay) -> eve_(nier:_automata)_(cosplay)
mass update n2_(nier_automata) -> n2_(nier:_automata)
mass update n2_(nier_automata)_(cosplay) -> n2_(nier:_automata)_(cosplay)
mass update marx_(nier) -> marx_(nier:_automata)
mass update simone_(nier) -> simone_(nier:_automata)
mass update engels_(nier) -> engels_(nier:_automata)
mass update grun_(nier) -> grun_(nier:_automata)
mass update machine_(nier) -> char:machine_(nier:_automata)
mass update beauvoir_(nier) -> beauvoir_(nier:_automata)
mass update operator_(nier) -> char:operator_(nier:_automata)
mass update operator_6o -> 6o_(nier:_automata)
mass update operator_21o -> 21o_(nier:_automata)

Nobody calls them the full name. Using the shortened versions is better and removes inconsistency. Also qualifiers.

EDIT: This bulk update request is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2997 (forum #169150) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

I honestly don't know about the rest of the characters but about the three main YoRHa: I don't think changing the tags to the shortened version is a very good idea. Over at Kancolle, there are girls that are called by shortnened names by almost everyone, everywhere, for example Yuu/Yuu-chan for U-511_(Kantai_Collection) and Bucky/Buki for Fubuki_(Kantai_Collection) yet we don't really tag them with their shortened names. There's also a more stretched example being Jeanne_d'Arc_(Alter)_(Fate) being named everywhere as either Jalter or Alter.
So why shorten the character tag of certain popular characters when others are left in their whole length? The 2B -> YoRHa_NO._2_Type_B alias is a much better idea as people will learn the proper names of the characters while avoiding any tagging issues from uploaders, builders, etc.

tl;dr I think shortening the tags bring more issues than solutions.

朝子 said:

Over at Kancolle, there are girls that are called by shortnened names by almost everyone, everywhere, for example Yuu/Yuu-chan for U-511_(Kantai_Collection) and Bucky/Buki for Fubuki_(Kantai_Collection) yet we don't really tag them with their shortened names. There's also a more stretched example being Jeanne_d'Arc_(Alter)_(Fate) being named everywhere as either Jalter or Alter.

Those are informal nicknames. If you want to see it that way, 2B/9S/etc are proper "names", while the current tags are their factory names (literally). By your idea, Siege_(arknights) should be Verna_(arknights), because she's referred by her real name a couple times in her profile and not her codename.
We also don't call Laffey_(azur_lane) uss_laffey_(dd-459)_(azur_lane).

The 2B -> YoRHa_NO._2_Type_B alias is a much better idea as people will learn the proper names of the characters while avoiding any tagging issues from uploaders, builders, etc.

See above. Plus if we really wanted to go such lengths to "teach people their real names", 2B should be 2E, but alas

I feel like this is a case of making things more simple and more accessible as result vs making things more descriptive but harder to access. A tag that long is frankly unneeded.


Short names is how the game itself refers these characters. Naming scheme is revealed later in game, and it's not that consistent for all the androids (A2, Commander, prototypes). See in-game intel menu (HEAVY SPOILERS): (archives 0:00-9:38, androids 12:51-13:10).

Also, shouldn't _(nier:_automata) suffix be _(nier_automata) since base tag is nier_automata? _(yorha) one should probably be replaced with series suffix.

ZipFile said:

Short names is how the game itself refers these characters. Naming scheme is revealed later in game, and it's not that consistent for all the androids (A2, Commander, prototypes).

Which is why i feel like using shortened names is better, helps making things more clear for the user.

Also, shouldn't _(nier:_automata) suffix be _(nier_automata) since base tag is nier_automata?

On Steam it's stylized as NieR: Automata. I'm going to add the copyright to the BUR too.

I don´t know if the : is really needed. You´re right so far, that the game is called like that, but I guess that it will lead to alot of mistagging, because most people tend to write nier_automata instead. (Just my guess here) And it´s easier to write it while taggin, because it´s slightly faster.
Maybe with an implication I would say it´s better.


Guaro1238 said:

I don´t know if the : is really needed. You´re right so fat, that the game is called like that, but I guess that it will lead to alot of mistagging, because most people tend to write nier_automata instead. (Just my guess here) And it´s easier to write it while taggin, because it´s slightly faster.
Maybe with an implication I would say it´s better.

Most FE games have a :, but recent titles have ditched it. Danbooru tags keep the : in those that have it (eg. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn vs Fire Emblem Awakening)

Guaro1238 said:

I don´t know if the : is really needed. You´re right so far, that the game is called like that, but I guess that it will lead to alot of mistagging, because most people tend to write nier_automata instead. (Just my guess here) And it´s easier to write it while taggin, because it´s slightly faster.

Just alias it and it'll be fine

We knew from the beginning what the main character's full designations were and that names like 2B, 9S, and A2 were merely short hand for those full designations. We generally favor their "real" name so long as it isn't a spoiler and is introduced relatively early. Given their full designations were introduced long before the game was released alongside with their shorthand designations, there really isn't a reason to not use their full designations where possible.

In case you may not have been aware, or you've simply forgotten, we do not use spoiler names if we can avoid it. Given that, there was no reason we would use or even consider that spoiler name for the character to be used as the tag.

From Platinum's websites

  • 2B (YoRHa No. 2, Type B)
  • 9S (YoRHa No. 9, Type S)
  • A2 (YoRHa Type A, No. 2) from April 2016 preview footage

2B:ヨルハ二号B型 -> 2B: YoRHA No.2 Type B
9S:ヨルハ九号S型 -> 9S: YoRHa No. 9 Type S
A2:ヨルハA型二号 -> A2: YoRHa Type A No. 2

Not fully sure on it, but we were definitely revealed the name 2B by October 2015. We were also revealed the 3 names 2B:YoRHa No. 2, Type B; 9S: YoRHa No. 9, Type S; and A2: YoRHa Type A, No. 2 by April 2016. The game was not released until February 2017, so in short, we knew for quite awhile what their full designations were.

NWF_Renim said:

We generally favor their "real" name so long as it isn't a spoiler and is introduced relatively early.

Then the entire azur_lane and kantai_collection cast would need to be retagged, among many other characters.
laffey_(azur_lane)'s tag should be USS_Laffey_(DD-459)_(azur_lane), or hana_js should be hana_jet_spark_mode (from the wiki: "ハナ ジェット・スパークモード, [...], lit. "Hana Jet Spark Mode", abbreviated ハナJS, Hana JS or ハナ, Hana".
Why not, KOS-MOS should be named Kosmos_Obey_Strategical_Multiple_Operation_Systems. Or is KPX-000000001 better?

I'm sorry if i sound aggressive, i just want to point out how dumb this tagging system of using industrial names over "actual names" for "artificial characters", for the lack of a better wording, would be.
That rule was made with human characters with "standard" names in mind, not for characters like these.

Here's something to point out, the characters when they're sold as figures the boxes are labeled with what the company recognizes as the characters name so that people will know what the character is. For Nier Automata figures they don't sell the characters with just labels like 2B or 9S, they use their full designation as their name and it is pretty consistent. Other franchises like Xenosaga sells the figures of KOS-MOS with just the label KOS-MOS instead of Kosmos Obey Strategical Multiple Operation Systems, the company recognizes the character's name as KOS-MOS. When they sell an Azur Lane figure they list the character as Prinz Eugene not KMS Prinz Eugen. KanColle figures are sold with just names like Iowa, not USS Iowa. Given this, I don't see why you think we're being extremely unreasonable by using 2B's full designation when the companies are doing exactly the same.

Tangential thoughts.

  • Does Azur Lane's world even have a United States or Japan to justify prefixes like USS or IJN?
  • Even if we did use their prefix ship names, that would cause issues with characters like Belchan (example) since it would be the same as her adult form, would result in having to have tags like HMS_Belfast_(Belchan)_(Azur_Lane)
  • KPX-000000001 doesn't make sense since her development code name was only KP-X (the number was her serial number), though if we're using developmental code names then Nintendo 64 should be Ultra 64, Gamecube should be Dolphin, etc.

Tangential thoughts.

  • Does Azur Lane's world even have a United States or Japan to justify prefixes like USS or IJN?

The in game factions are never mentioned as anything but Eagle Union, Sakura Empire, ect. The prefixes are never used except in their status screens here. Official art and in game art/dialogue makes almost no reference to their full designations.

This is the only place in the entire game where you can ever see Laffey's Hull Number, and this screen is only accessible if the character has alternate skins that can be selected, you never see this otherwise. Phoenix, for example, doesn't have her Hull Number listed anywhere at all, cause she doesn't have any skins.

Laffey is not once ever referred to as "USS Laffey DD-459" at any point in time. For all intents and purposes, the character's name is just Laffey. The full official designation of the ship she represents is not relevant beyond clarifying exactly which ship she personifies.

Forgot to answer, but noted, thank you. You have a point. (Although isn't there constantly an argument about how we should use tags that pop out on google search results?)
Evazion said some time ago to at least make a reverse BUR, which is what i think i'm going to make.

Since we're going this route: What should be done with n2_(nier_automata)?
According to the wiki, the characters are known as "Red Girls", or less commonly "N1 and N2" (Danbooru uses N2 for both). Their official name is "Terminal Alpha and Beta" (which i believe is only ever stated in-game in a log).

Which should be the primary tag for them?

...The more i look at this, the more i think that maybe the long names only work for the main characters, and all the side characters get shafted by them.


NWF Renim mentioned figures, but let's look at it from another angle. Turns out N:A has a lot of cross-promotions and collabs. Let's look at some of those.

Soul Calibur
Shadowverse (2B trailer)
Star Ocean: Anamnesis
Phantasy Star Online 2
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Yes, the long name is sometimes shown, but it's treated like a more formal title.
And note that many of these come from Square-Enix, who have a business interest in keeping a consistent branding. If S-E is fine with calling them 2B and so on within the promotional materials of their other properties, I see no reason why danbooru can't do that either.

FFXIV also has 2P, and is referred to as 2P. The proper "YoRHa No. 2 Type P" factory name can be assumed, but it's never actually used within the game.
