
Error when using phone to browse danbooru

Posted under Bugs & Features

Not sure if anyone checks danbooru on phone, but I'm noticing some usual problems like I cannot favorite an image, type or post comments (as it will move to the next random image related to the one I'm checking) to can't click the tabs (or my profile) whenever I check any sort of image.

I don't know what phone T34/88 is using, but while I can still explore Danbooru on my iPod Touch just fine, I can't edit tags, mark forum topics as red, see notes, or hide posts with tags on my blacklist. Using Chrome on iOS 8.4.

Same/similar issue. Nothing Javascript-related works on the site anymore for me. Keyboard inputs are getting eaten like I'm on Twitter, too. It's maddening.

I assume something got updated, causing it to now shit the bed when the site accessed on an older machine/device (which I have). If it ain't broke, aggressively fix it, I guess? You may be SOL, man.

Android 7.0 with Chrome 84.0 works fine for me.

One thing that was recently changed is that jQuery is now included with the webpacked JS. jQuery was also upgraded to 3.5.1, which is causing a problem with JS responses as noted on issue #4548. Either of those is probably what's causing the problem here.

However, like DeusExCalamus said, expecting the more modern software programs to work on older phones or browsers is not expected or supported.