
shared_sense -> telepathic_sex

Posted under Tags

This tag only has 4 posts, it appears you created it only a month ago, and it has no wiki. Moreover I could easily see someone down the road believing this tag to refer to clairvoyance or something similar with no sexual context. The two tags don't obviously mean the same thing. I don't know that this warrants an alias and creating one might be a bad idea. You should just manually re-tag these.

Shinjidude said:

This tag only has 4 posts, it appears you created it only a month ago, and it has no wiki. Moreover I could easily see someone down the road believing this tag to refer to clairvoyance or something similar with no sexual context. The two tags don't obviously mean the same thing. I don't know that this warrants an alias and creating one might be a bad idea. You should just manually re-tag these.

@Shinjidude Manual tagging it is.