post #9000000 GET!

New Upload Rules

Posted under General

The upload rules have changed. The new rules are at help:upload rules. Please read them in full. The changes will be discussed below.

The most important change is that:

Most of the other changes are to update the written rules to match accepted community standards. There are new rules, but these are mostly intended bring the rules up to date with the community, not to signal major shifts in policy.

The rules are split into "Off-topic content", "Prohibited content" and "Borderline content". Off-topic content includes the following:

Prohibited content lists the hard rules. This includes the following:

Borderline content lists the soft rules. This includes anything with an unusually high deletion ratio. Most of these things have a 30%-50% deletion ratio or higher. If you think something shouldn't be here, sorry, but this is simply describing things that are usually rejected by the modqueue.

Other noteworthy changes:

  • The line about cosplay photos being allowed has been removed. The cosplay exception was originally added way back in forum #17502, in response to a move to delete all old off-topic photos. People objected, so that line was added. But in the years since, they've only been uploaded rarely, and they're very often deleted. So now they're listed as borderline content, meaning they're not banned, but they're not encouraged. They're tolerated in low doses.
  • The "bodies that are far outside the realm of normal human proportion" clause has been replaced with "'hyper' fetishism (monstrously large body parts)". See the hyper tag on Sankaku to see what this means.
  • The "breasts that are larger than three heads in size" clause has been removed. Even Albert wanted to remove this rule 9 years ago (forum #63446). The intent of this rule was to discourage extreme fetish porn, like extreme breast expansion or extreme "hyper" fetishism, but in reality it was often used to delete gigantic breasts for being just barely over the line. I'm removing this because I don't think a hard size limit is necessary.


evazion said:

  • The "breasts that are larger than three heads in size" clause has been removed. Even Albert wanted to remove this rule 9 years ago (forum #63446). The intent of this rule was to discourage extreme fetish porn, like extreme breast expansion or extreme "hyper" fetishism, but in reality it was often used to delete gigantic breasts for being just barely over the line. I'm removing this because I don't think a hard size limit is necessary.

Does that mean that things like post #3987295 can get flagged/deleted? Since they don't quite fit in the hyper realm.

朝子 said:

Does that mean that things like post #3987295 can get flagged/deleted? Since they don't quite fit in the hyper realm.

You can flag it for poor quality or bad proportions if you think it's bad quality. Otherwise, there's no specific rule about breast sizes. It's up to approvers to decide.

Things like post #3644212 or post #3431388 are what I mean by hyper fetishism. Usually stuff like this will get downvoted to oblivion and deleted anyway.

inkuJerr said:

So, Weibo watermarks don’t count as third-party watermarks, right? (Hopefully not, otherwise that would eliminate a source for uploads exclusIve to Weibo)

No, they don't count. I would say these are more like second-party watermarks. They're added by the site, not by some random third-party. Third-party watermark is intended to mean things like Aerisdies or iFunny watermarks.

No third-party watermarks, waifu2x upscales, or hard translated (non-english) posts. This may be debatable, but I think it's safe to say these things shouldn't normally be uploaded.

What if the hard-translated version was the only one available?
I was uploading an official FE artbook (pool #14732), but only managed to get the original scans for part of it. The only available scans on the internet for the rest (afaik) are hard-translated.

Mysterious_Uploader said:

What if the hard-translated version was the only one available?
I was uploading an official FE artbook (pool #14732), but only managed to get the original scans for part of it. The only available scans on the internet for the rest (afaik) are hard-translated.

I would assume that policy is as usual in that regard. Even the hard translated wiki says "please refrain from uploading hard-translated posts wherever possible," and "Uploading a hard-translated image when the original already exists on Danbooru is discouraged."

Also, consider the fact that the quoted bit doesn't say hard translated, but hard translated (non-english), which are third-party hard-translations into languages that aren't English (and to my knowledge includes anything else being hard-translated into Japanese), which can be even harder to judge compared to usual hard translated uploads. In your instance, I'd imagine the hard-translations are in English.

So yukkuri abuse is formally prohibited now (maybe it was before, I admit I did have not looked at the upload rules in a couple years.) I presume this is due to a combination of nobody wanting hardcore yukkuri guro here, and incidents like topic #16043.

Since yukkuri abuse currently lacks a wiki page, I worry that new users might be confused about the reasoning behind the rule and overthink it, possibly shying away from uploading some comics due to it.

I'd like to propose a wiki page like this for it. Any thoughts or objections?

Deformed characters associated with the yukkuri shiteitte ne meme being mutilated, tortured or killed. Essentially a form of guro. Due to their resemblance to a manjuu, they are often shown to contain bean paste instead of blood and viscera.

Images to which this tag would apply are prohibited on Danbooru.

Images where yukkuri are mistreated with minimal detail (insufficient for the ryona or guro tag to be applied if they were human with human blood/organs), particularly when the abuse is not the focus of the image or is presented in a slapstick context, may be permitted. Ask on the forums before uploading them if you are unsure.

Examples of acceptable images are post #553579, post #688729, post #922420 and post #1218361. Do not tag images similar to these with yukkuri abuse.

(admittedly I'm not sure whether all or any of these posts are 'acceptable' - they may have just been overlooked due to being old, or not being tagged with yukkuri_abuse when the rule came into effect. I personally think there should some leeway for when isolated instances of low-detail yukkuri abuse appear in ongoing comics, like the last example, but I have no authority to decide or interpret rules.)

Edit: Reworded the last sentence a bit more.


7HS said:
Examples of acceptable posts that border on yukkuri abuse are post #553579, post #688729, post #922420 and post #1218361

I'd agree that examples like this are fine, they're more like slapstick than legitimate abuse. I would even say they're not even borderline, they're just plain and simply not abuse, at least not when compared to actual yukkuri abuse comics. Yukkuri abuse, at least as I've always interpreted it, is specifically referring to depictions of extreme, even sociopathic level sadism and gore. It's just torture porn.

7HS said:

So yukkuri abuse is formally prohibited now (maybe it was before, I admit I did have not looked at the upload rules in a couple years.) I presume this is due to a combination of nobody wanting hardcore yukkuri guro here, and incidents like topic #16043.

Since yukkuri abuse currently lacks a wiki page, I worry that new users might be confused about the reasoning behind the rule and overthink it, possibly shying away from uploading some comics due to it.

I'd like to propose a wiki page like this for it. Any thoughts or objections?

(admittedly I'm not sure whether all or any of these posts are 'acceptable' - they may have just been overlooked due to being old, or not being tagged with yukkuri_abuse when the rule came into effect. I personally think there should some leeway for when isolated instances of low-detail yukkuri abuse appear in ongoing comics, like the last example, but I have no authority to decide or interpret rules.)

I think those are fine. What we don't want is precisely what you described, those weird comics about yukkuris being impaled/left to bleed and die that used to be spammed on imageboards for shock value.
I would remove this part:

primarily due to rule-breaking users in the past who have repeatedly evaded bans to upload them exclusively.

as it gives the impression that anyone can get some kind of content banned by spamming it hard enough, but other than that it looks fine imo.

nonamethanks said:

I would remove this part:

Good idea, edited. I kind of wanted to head off anyone asking "why is yukkuri abuse prohibited when guro is only borderline?" on the forums, but potentially combative forum threads are preferable to any bad behavior that actually affects the Danbooru database.

Given that "legacy" content is no longer grandfathered and subject to deletion/flagging, will this also apply to content now explicitly prohibited such as with child photo and the example post provided?

Also is the status of cosplay photos considered changed at all?

I have deleted all posts containing photos of actual children. See child photo status:deleted. These will be permanently deleted in one week. We have some other random off-topic selfies of apparently underage people that will be deleted as well. See off-topic photo status:deleted.

The status of cosplay photos is the same as before. They're tolerated in small doses, but you shouldn't flood them. My personal feeling is that Danbooru isn't a cosplay site and I would rather just hard ban them, but I know some people would disagree with that, so this is the compromise. If you really want cosplay, you should go to a site like Gelbooru that explicitly allows cosplay photos.

evazion said:

I have deleted all posts containing photos of actual children. See child photo status:deleted. These will be permanently deleted in one week. We have some other random off-topic selfies of apparently underage people that will be deleted as well. See off-topic photo status:deleted.

The status of cosplay photos is the same as before. They're tolerated in small doses, but you shouldn't flood them. My personal feeling is that Danbooru isn't a cosplay site and I would rather just hard ban them, but I know some people would disagree with that, so this is the compromise. If you really want cosplay, you should go to a site like Gelbooru that explicitly allows cosplay photos.

post #595616 / post #226997

Pretty sure that cosplayer was not a child.

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