
¦d as an alias for |d

Posted under Tags

¦ is more accurate to the depiction of eyes in the emoji. It's not standard to the US keyboard to my knowledge, but is on others.

Sorry but I don't understand how to fill the Request field in an actual Request alias/implcation thread.

BUR #2864 has been rejected.

create alias ¦d -> |d

Creating BUR for OP's request

You hit "Request alias/implication" in the sub-navigation bar above, and follow the format in the greyed out text. Namely:

[create|remove] [alias|implication] from_tag -> to_tag

Also relevant to this request from a couple of weeks ago:

EDIT: The bulk update request #2864 (forum #168017) has been rejected by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Zurreak said:

What types of keyboard is this character standard on? Those keyboards don’t contain the ‘|’ symbol at all? I find that unlikely due to its prominence in coding languages...

The UK keyboard has both.

Honestly, the argument for this would suggest an alias in the opposite direction if anything.

skylightcrystal said:

The UK keyboard has both.

Honestly, the argument for this would suggest an alias in the opposite direction if anything.

Non-ASCII tags are discouraged because not everyone can type them and ¦ is not an ASCII character (U+00A6 in UTF-8). Danbooru already has more tags than anyone can remember and having to remember ASCII aliases for untypable tags or having to copy & paste those untypable tags would make that even worse.

According to the tag history, ¦d has never been used, not even accidentally, so I think this alias is unnecessary.

kittey said:

Non-ASCII tags are discouraged because not everyone can type them and ¦ is not an ASCII character (U+00A6 in UTF-8). Danbooru already has more tags than anyone can remember and having to remember ASCII aliases for untypable tags or having to copy & paste those untypable tags would make that even worse.

It *was* an ASCII character between 1967 and 1977, and was explicitly re-included in ISO-8859 (Latin-1) in 1985 which is the international version of Extended ASCII, and in Code Page 850 used in Western Europe, which is why it appears on many European keyboards. I'm not sure if that necessarily matters to our policy, but it's not un-typable for a large portion of the world population (though it is for Americans).

The video I linked to above explains the character's history and argues that it shouldn't even exist, but it does in any case.

Also it's the source of the alias, not the destination, so it's not like people would be forced to use an un-typable character anyway.
