post #9000000 GET!

Rethinking *_legwear etc aliases

Posted under Tags

Without beating around the bush too much:

black_legwear -pantyhose -thighhighs -kneehighs -socks -leggings: 17879 posts.
We have comparable numbers for all the other implications. In retrospect, I think it was a pretty bad idea to alias these rather than just periodically move them (which could be easily done with a script). Having these aliases causes a massive loss of information.

Another example:
eyewear_on_head -glasses -sunglasses -monocle: 1654 posts.

People just don't care or don't notice about them being aliases, they'll just continue using "black pantyhose" etc because it's easier, without thinking that "pantyhose" will never be added as a tag. Any benefit that these aliases might bring results in a continuous loss of information that does more damage than benefits. The original idea was to for example search for socks black_legwear for black socks, but what if nobody is adding the socks tag?

Just for comparison, black_legwear socks returns less than 17k posts. That's less than the results under black_legwear -pantyhose -thighhighs -kneehighs -socks -leggings.

Are there any good reasons to keep these aliases rather than just having them as do not use tags and periodically sort posts in each tag? We either do that, or have to sort through tens of thousands of posts for each variant inspecting every single picture manually to see what tag is missing.

BUR #2843 has been rejected.


remove alias black_thighhighs -> black_legwear
remove alias black_pantyhose -> black_legwear
remove alias black_leggings -> black_legwear
remove alias black_kneehighs -> black_legwear
remove alias black_socks -> black_legwear
remove alias white_thighhighs -> white_legwear
remove alias white_pantyhose -> white_legwear
remove alias white_leggings -> white_legwear
remove alias white_kneehighs -> white_legwear
remove alias white_socks -> white_legwear
remove alias striped_thighhighs -> striped_legwear
remove alias striped_pantyhose -> striped_legwear
remove alias striped_leggings -> striped_legwear
remove alias striped_kneehighs -> striped_legwear
remove alias striped_socks -> striped_legwear
remove alias brown_thighhighs -> brown_legwear
remove alias brown_pantyhose -> brown_legwear
remove alias brown_leggings -> brown_legwear
remove alias brown_kneehighs -> brown_legwear
remove alias brown_socks -> brown_legwear
remove alias torn_thighhighs -> torn_legwear
remove alias torn_pantyhose -> torn_legwear
remove alias blue_thighhighs -> blue_legwear
remove alias blue_pantyhose -> blue_legwear
remove alias blue_leggings -> blue_legwear
remove alias blue_kneehighs -> blue_legwear
remove alias blue_socks -> blue_legwear
remove alias red_thighhighs -> red_legwear
remove alias red_pantyhose -> red_legwear
remove alias red_leggings -> red_legwear
remove alias red_kneehighs -> red_legwear
remove alias red_socks -> red_legwear
remove alias fishnet_thighhighs -> fishnet_legwear
remove alias fishnet_pantyhose -> fishnet_legwear
remove alias purple_thighhighs -> purple_legwear
remove alias purple_pantyhose -> purple_legwear
remove alias purple_leggings -> purple_legwear
remove alias purple_kneehighs -> purple_legwear
remove alias purple_socks -> purple_legwear
remove alias pink_thighhighs -> pink_legwear
remove alias pink_pantyhose -> pink_legwear
remove alias pink_leggings -> pink_legwear
remove alias pink_kneehighs -> pink_legwear
remove alias pink_socks -> pink_legwear
remove alias grey_thighhighs -> grey_legwear
remove alias grey_pantyhose -> grey_legwear
remove alias grey_leggings -> grey_legwear
remove alias grey_kneehighs -> grey_legwear
remove alias grey_socks -> grey_legwear
remove alias lace-trimmed_thighhighs -> lace-trimmed_legwear
remove alias lace-trimmed_kneehighs -> lace-trimmed_legwear
remove alias lace-trimmed_socks -> lace-trimmed_legwear
remove alias vertical-striped_thighhighs -> vertical-striped_legwear
remove alias vertical-striped_pantyhose -> vertical-striped_legwear
remove alias vertical-striped_leggings -> vertical-striped_legwear
remove alias vertical-striped_kneehighs -> vertical-striped_legwear
remove alias vertical-striped_socks -> vertical-striped_legwear
remove alias print_thighhighs -> print_legwear
remove alias print_pantyhose -> print_legwear
remove alias print_leggings -> print_legwear
remove alias print_kneehighs -> print_legwear
remove alias green_thighhighs -> green_legwear
remove alias green_pantyhose -> green_legwear
remove alias green_leggings -> green_legwear
remove alias green_kneehighs -> green_legwear
remove alias green_socks -> green_legwear
remove alias frilled_thighhighs -> frilled_legwear
remove alias frilled_kneehighs -> frilled_legwear
remove alias frilled_socks -> frilled_legwear
remove alias yellow_thighhighs -> yellow_legwear
remove alias yellow_pantyhose -> yellow_legwear
remove alias yellow_leggings -> yellow_legwear
remove alias yellow_kneehighs -> yellow_legwear
remove alias yellow_socks -> yellow_legwear
remove alias orange_thighhighs -> orange_legwear
remove alias orange_pantyhose -> orange_legwear
remove alias orange_leggings -> orange_legwear
remove alias orange_kneehighs -> orange_legwear
remove alias orange_socks -> orange_legwear
remove alias multicolored_thighhighs -> multicolored_legwear
remove alias multicolored_pantyhose -> multicolored_legwear
remove alias multicolored_leggings -> multicolored_legwear
remove alias multicolored_kneehighs -> multicolored_legwear
remove alias multicolored_socks -> multicolored_legwear
remove alias adjusting_thighhighs -> adjusting_legwear
remove alias adjusting_pantyhose -> adjusting_legwear
remove alias adjusting_socks -> adjusting_legwear

Making a request for the legwear tags so people can vote on it.

EDIT: This bulk update request is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2843 (forum #167830) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.

Updated by DanbooruBot

In the first place, the legwear tags are useful because sometimes it's impossible to tell, and sometimes the searchers and uploaders can't tell the difference (especially in the case of colored leggings and stockings, and sometimes even in the case thighhighs and pantyhose like with Shirasaka Koume), so I don't think the tag should be erased.

It might be more helpful to replace the aliases with implications to the legwear tags, like how striped swimsuit implies striped and swimsuit. (and as far as I can tell, a tag can't be aliased to two tags)

DreamFromTheLayer said:

In the first place, the legwear tags are useful because sometimes it's impossible to tell, and sometimes the searchers and uploaders can't tell the difference (especially in the case of colored leggings and stockings, and sometimes even in the case thighhighs and pantyhose like with Shirasaka Koume), so I don't think the tag should be erased.

It might be more helpful to replace the aliases with implications to the legwear tags, like how striped swimsuit implies striped and swimsuit. (and as far as I can tell, a tag can't be aliased to two tags)

You're misunderstanding it, the aim is not to stop using the *_legwear tags, it's to remove the alias to stop people from tagging like black_pantyhose (that will turn into black_legwear only) and nothing else.

Unbreakable said:

You're misunderstanding it, the aim is not to stop using the *_legwear tags, it's to remove the alias to stop people from tagging like black_pantyhose (that will turn into black_legwear only) and nothing else.

Well in that case, I don't think it's a problem for uploaders to use tags like black_pantyhose if we could let the tag do the implications and then just delete it later, since it'd mean people could search using pantyhose before the clean-up happens.

Frankly I would support bringing back thighhigh and pantyhose colors as actual tags. These are popular fetish items and I think this is one of the few cases where the difference between things like white pantyhose versus white thighhighs versus white socks actually matters.

As far as the idea that people aren't tagging pantyhose because they're tagging black pantyhose instead, I don't know about that. I can't find any cases in the last few days of logs of anyone using black pantyhose to tag posts. Even in searches these aliases only get maybe 10-20 searches per day. I think most of this is people just forgetting to tag the actual legwear type. This happens with pretty much every umbrella tag. Looking at multiple girls, for example, there are 8000+ posts that are tagged multiple girls but not with the actual number of girls, and that's something you almost have to go out of your way to do.

evazion said:
As far as the idea that people aren't tagging pantyhose because they're tagging black pantyhose instead, I don't know about that. I can't find any cases in the last few days of logs of anyone using black pantyhose to tag posts.

Does that count the cases where someone types "black_panty" and tabs to autocomplete? Because that's what I personally do most times - same thing with boots and shoes for example, and I never really think about the aliases so I personally forget to add "boots" or "shoes" most times.

Neckwears are another pretty bad case of this: blue_neckwear -bow -necktie -neckerchief -ascot -cravat

blue_bowtie was aliased to blue_neckwear but it's a substitute for bowtie blue_bow blue_neckwear for example, yet only the last is added by the alias.

evazion said:
Frankly I would support bringing back thighhigh and pantyhose colors as actual tags. These are popular fetish items and I think this is one of the few cases where the difference between things like white pantyhose versus white thighhighs versus white socks actually matters.

Another advantage of not having the aliases is that if we ever decide to go back we can just look at the post version history to find the correct posts. Right now all the colored pantyhose/legwear tags that were added after the aliases were done are not recoverable unless we go through each post manually.

I've thought about it a lot since I requested this alias, and I don't think this is the ideal solution anymore to be honest. The better solution would be to support aliases that direct to multiple tags, but there's technical constraints that need a lot of code rework to be dealt with. I'm going to begrudgingly reject this even though I was the one who proposed it, because I realize going through would actually give us more work in terms of tagging. We'll just have to deal with missed tags until/if multitag aliases become a possibility, or until someone else has a better idea on how to deal with it.