The bulk update request #2749 (forum #167232) has been approved by @DreamFromTheLayer.
Posted under General
The bulk update request #2749 (forum #167232) has been approved by @DreamFromTheLayer.
The bulk update request #2743 (forum #167202) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
The bulk update request #2736 (forum #167142) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #2750 has been approved by @DreamFromTheLayer.
create alias zonbaio -> ogasawara
I have no idea where the former name came from (probably very early name). Changing to the name that's been used for a long time, including in publishing.
EDIT: The bulk update request #2750 (forum #167237) has been approved by @DreamFromTheLayer.
The bulk update request #2750 (forum #167237) has been approved by @DreamFromTheLayer.
The bulk update request #2747 (forum #167221) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #2740 (forum #167166) has been approved by @evazion.
Provence said:
BUR #2718 has been approved by @Provence.
mass update happymonk -> artist:solar_(happymonk)
Stacc name -> Pixiv user name (Stacc name)
When doing a mass update, you have to manually rename the artist entry to the new name. This is one reason why aliases are preferred.
BUR #2757 has been approved by @evazion.
Artist's own romanization, as seen in: (even the cover image) twitter display name
EDIT: The bulk update request #2757 (forum #167288) has been approved by @evazion.
Updated by DanbooruBot
The bulk update request #2757 (forum #167288) has been approved by @evazion.
BUR #2758 has been approved by @evazion.
create alias nagisa3710 -> shiromikan
Stacc name (and Twitter handle) -> current name. (119 posts)
EDIT: The bulk update request #2758 (forum #167309) has been approved by @evazion.
Updated by DanbooruBot
BUR #2759 has been approved by @Jisadel.
create alias s86070070 -> usagishi
Stacc name to their profile name.
EDIT: The bulk update request #2759 (forum #167310) has been approved by @inkuJerr.
Updated by DanbooruBot
The bulk update request #2759 (forum #167310) has been approved by @inkuJerr.
BUR #2760 has been approved by @evazion.
create alias takatsu -> takatsu_keita
Same artist.
EDIT: The bulk update request #2760 (forum #167319) has been approved by @evazion.
Updated by DanbooruBot
BUR #2761 has been approved by @VR-Man.
create alias sakura1704 -> makalo_ni_hakase
create alias fallen_heaven -> eien_no_juu_nana-sai
create alias kurage_(kurageru) -> chagara
create alias romocha_(hosachi3784) -> lomocya
create alias cacaofire -> lamne
create alias noblewilson -> echomlete
create alias m-musume_(catbagel) -> miya_(zawarudo)
create alias nibosisuzu -> nibosi
1st, stacc name -> actual name.
2nd, the old name (堕落天国, daraku_tengoku) shouldn't be translated to English in the first place.
3rd, old name -> current name.
4th, proper spelling as the name is written in katakana. And his old Twitter handle is "lomocya" (further supported with his current Twitter handle "Yuria_LMC").
5th, old name -> current name.
6th, old name -> current name.
7th, old name -> current name, with the qualifier from her currently active Facebook page.
8th, just "nibosi" is enough.
EDIT: The bulk update request #2761 (forum #167320) has been approved by @VR-Man.
Updated by DanbooruBot
The bulk update request #2761 (forum #167320) has been approved by @VR-Man.
BUR #2765 has been approved by @evazion.
create alias anhiru -> gougasha_akira
The artist switched to the 2nd name a while back when creating their vtuber persona.
EDIT: The bulk update request #2765 (forum #167343) has been approved by @evazion.
Updated by DanbooruBot
BUR #2766 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
mass update yum_shishi -> inukaze_yamu
Same artist
EDIT: The bulk update request #2766 (forum #167344) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
Updated by DanbooruBot
The bulk update request #2766 (forum #167344) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #2767 has been approved by @VR-Man.
create alias ztfg7842 -> ya_lei_wusheng
create alias ontama_(z1p579) -> ebichiri_sunday
create alias marufuji -> fujimoto_tarau
create alias ko_31 -> sanshi_(sannshi_34)
create alias tshangen131 -> furuyama_itaru
create alias sei_(abab40116) -> a_ching
create alias kano_(mgnnew12) -> kerno
1st, stacc name with "user_" removed -> current name.
2nd, old name -> current name.
3rd, old name -> current name. (The former is also ambiguous)
4th, stacc name -> actual name, with the qualifier from Twitter handle.
5th, Twitter handle (I don't know where the numbers came from) -> actual name. (Thanks, BrokenEagle98!)
6th, fixes wrong spelling (artist is Taiwanese, not Japanese). "ching" is from her Facebook page.
7th, his current Twitter account reveals that his name is supposed to be written as "Kerno", even if it's still written in hiragana on Pixiv. (It was me who added "kano" in the first place, though. As his newer Twitter account wasn't available at the time.)
EDIT: The bulk update request #2767 (forum #167347) has been approved by @VR-Man.
Updated by DanbooruBot