Happy birthday Danbooru!
Posted under General
evazion said:
To put this in perspective, Danbooru is older than Pixiv (September 2007), older than Tumblr (February 2007), older than Twitter (March 2006), older than Reddit (June 2005), and only a few months younger than Youtube (February 2005). Fifteen years is a lifetime in internet years, so let's take a moment to appreciate how far we've come.
TFW you've been here longer than most of the other sites listed on post 1 have existed.
Shinjidude said:
Also TFW apparently you've been around for ~93% of a 15 year old site's lifespan...
Here's to many more years!
I was here for several years years as a lurker before I bit the bullet and set up an account.
I wonder how many fogies are left?
Shinjidude said:
Also TFW apparently you've been around for ~93% of a 15 year old site's lifespan...
Or TFW your inactive time has now far exceeded your active time (post-registration) ;__;
Happy bitherday guys. Deep respect to all of you who still hold on, and to all the newer users who now have helped way more than I could. Getting things done here while managing life at the same time is no small feat.
(Not like I'm even doing the latter lol.)