
Happy Danbirthday to Danbooru! Celebrating 15 Years of Danbooru

Posted under General

Happy Danbirthday to Danbooru! Today marks the fifteen anniversary of when the first post was uploaded to Danbooru, which makes Danbooru officially fifteen years old today. Visit post #1 to pay your respects to Tama-nee.

To put this in perspective, Danbooru is older than Pixiv (September 2007), older than Tumblr (February 2007), older than Twitter (March 2006), older than Reddit (June 2005), and only a few months younger than Youtube (February 2005). Fifteen years is a lifetime in internet years, so let's take a moment to appreciate how far we've come.

To celebrate, all Members will have free 12 tag searches for the next week. This means you can search up to 12 tags at once. Normally this requires a Platinum account. You need to be logged in for this to work, so if you don't have an account, you can signup here.

Here's to fifteen more years of Danbooru!

PS: Don't forget to check out the Danbooru Discord:


evazion said:

To put this in perspective, Danbooru is older than Pixiv (September 2007), older than Tumblr (February 2007), older than Twitter (March 2006), older than Reddit (June 2005), and only a few months younger than Youtube (February 2005). Fifteen years is a lifetime in internet years, so let's take a moment to appreciate how far we've come.

That really does put things in perspective. I remember it being a huge step up from the sort of short-term anonymous image boards common at the time. I really don't remember it being older than Reddit and the same age as Youtube though. That *is* pretty huge. Congrats Danbooru!

Also TFW apparently you've been around for ~93% of a 15 year old site's lifespan...

Here's to many more years!

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