
Tag changes report only shows my edits

Posted under Bugs & Features

RMXFan102 said:

Ugh, why? It was so useful.

Well, I suppose I can be blamed for this.

When I originally revamped the post versions endpoint with e23ee17, I did it so that it would also be able to create a tag report very similar to how it was, where it compared the tags as they are in that version to the version being compared against. This was fine for making it close to the tag report, however some users pointed out that obsolete additions and removes were lacking. So the post versions endpoint was changed again with 6aa0adb so that it was more how it used to be, where it now only compared the added/removed tags from that version to the tags in the version being compared against. However, as reported by multiple users, that then made the tag report not so useful anymore.

For reference, issue #4452 filed for this.